Labor trafficking impacts a greater proportion of workers around the globe than sex trafficking and yet is often overlooked in anti-trafficking efforts. This chapter examines labor trafficking in the United States, its historic roots, legislation and policies, health impacts, case studies, and ...
Abstract: Emerging research brings more attention to labor trafficking in the United States. However, very few efforts have been made to better understand or respond to labor trafficking of minors. Cases of children forced to work as domestic servants, in factories, restaurants, peddling candy or ...
Courts and legislatures both in the United States and abroad continue to prioritize the eradication of labor trafficking in corporate supply chains, including those in the health care industry. For example, in the United States, consumers have sued manufacturers for failing to dis...
Labor trafficking is a subset of human trafficking, involving the exploitation of a person’s labor by a variety of means whereby the person does not believe he or she is free to leave his or her work. Trafficking usually begins with the transportation, harboring, recruiting, or procuring of ...
University of Guadalajara researcher Maria Antonia Gutierrez told Xinhua that human trafficking and forced labor of migrants are tolerated in the United States because of certain local economic interests they could bring.Migrant forced labor has become a "necessary" condition of an economic model based ...
Human trafficking exists in several nations all around us. No nation, including the United States is exempt from human trafficking. There may be factors that create unique anti-trafficking issues and obstacles for each nation, but the characteristics are all the same or very similar worldwide. Th...
With regard to foreign women employed in entertainment establishments and who are alleged victims of trafficking, please inform on whether foreign women victims of the prostitution industry and who already have lost their E-6 visa status risk being deported when filing a complaint at the labor offic...
The Effects of Outsourcing and Migrant Workers on the World Economy5:37 Underground Economy | Definition, Consequences & Examples3:34 Sweatshops and Child Labor5:52 Global Human Trafficking and Slavery Issues3:52 Ch 11.Required Assignments for Sociology... ...
University of Guadalajara researcher Maria Antonia Gutierrez told Xinhua that human trafficking and forced labor of migrants are tolerated in the United States because of certain local economic interests they could bring. Migrant forced labor has become a "necessary" condition of an economic model based...
ILAB consists of three major offices: the Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking (OCFT); the Office of International Relations and Economic Research (OIRER); and the Office of Trade and Labor Affairs (OTLA).14It represents the U.S. government at the International Labour...