Woodhead, M. (1998). Children’s perspectives on their working lives: A participatory study in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Philippines, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua. A report from the Radda Barnen project. https://www.researchgate.net>publication>44832501_perspectives Google Scholar Woodhead, M. ...
Under the multilateral principle of international trade, trade relations are organized around the principle of nondiscrimination, namely the most-favored-nation (MFN) treatment that is embodied originally in the General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the latter of which has since been ...
(p. 11). Translocality can also change gender roles, most directly in relation to the family and conjugal relations. New gendered identities of “caring men” and “empowered women” have been documented in the wake of rising female migration in the Philippines and Vietnam (Locke, 2017;...
Many foreign laborers from Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, entered Taiwan by the name of care-taker but actually illegally worked in these porn parlors in Taipei's Wanhua district, now many have escaped to their 'boss' places in middle and southern Taiwan to avoid corona-virus test...
6827_Book_V4.indd 13412/5/18 10:11 AM134Chapter 4Intimate ImperialismsIf we take seriously that aid actors such as those in OISCA and JICAdid not see a paradox in the coexistence of ideas of oneness and unequalrelations, what kinds of questions become possible? One avenue is thehistorical...
Whereas the brokerage scholarship is concerned foremostly with economic and cultural brokerage, the mediated citizenship framework also pays attention to political acts in brokerage, such as advocacy, awareness raising, and lobbying, and focuses on mediation practices as part of state-citizen relations ...
Hostility against Filipino immigrants, particularly related to the opposition of intimate relations between Filipinos and white women, resulted in multiple riots in the late 1920s, cul- minating in the 1930 Watsonville riots (Melendy, 1974). Calls for political action to mitigate discord resulted in...
The neces- sity of renegotiating local relations between agricultural settings and urban public and private services is increasingly explicit. The recent COVID-19 pandemic brought to the fore the consequences of pressuring global food systems, including uncertainties that might affect both local food ...
xiii. Nierras, E., 2012. Strategic Human Resource Management Practices of Work-Life Balance and Labor Relations and its Prevalence on Selected Filipino Firms.Philippines International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management.De La Salle University, Manila....
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