The share of employee wages and social insurance payments by employers represented less than 40 percent of Russia's gross domestic product in 2022, marking a decrease from the previous year.
SPECIALISSUE:DISTRIBUTIONOFNATIONALINCOMEINATRANSITIONALECONOMYChangesinthelaborshareofGDP:aU-shapedcurve 收入分配曲线过渡经济增长劳动力国内生产总值U形国民结构调整本文的目的在于探讨经济发展过程中,劳动份额在初次分配中演变的一般规律,以及当前导致中国初次分配中劳动份额不断下降的结构性因素.我们的研究发现,在世界...
1.Changes in the labor share of GDP:a U-shaped curveGDP中劳动份额演变的U型规律(英文) 2.The U Curve of Labor Share in GDP during Economic DevelopmentGDP中劳动份额演变的U型规律 3)Income share收入份额 4)labor income劳动收入 1.This paper calculated the effective tax rate of capital income,labo...
1.Effects of Capital-deepening,Technology Progress and Globalization on Labor Income Share资本深化、技术进步与全球化下的劳动报酬份额 英文短句/例句 1.Effects of Capital-deepening,Technology Progress and Globalization on Labor Income Share资本深化、技术进步与全球化下的劳动报酬份额 2.Bonus: refers to remu...
Labor’s share of national income—that is, the amount of GDP paid out in wages, salaries, and benefits—has been declining in developed and, to a lesser extent, emerging economies since the 1980s. This has raised concerns aboutslowing income growth, inequality, and...
This book analyzes the decrease in labor share in China, which is a ratio of national income distribution to capital at three different levels (macro, meso, and micro) and from three different perspectives (growth, transition and opening up). The worsening income distribution has been a key i...
Again, according to Giandrea and Sprague,“the labor share is of interest to government policymakers, who can have a substantial impact on the distribution of income in an economy through tax policy and spending initiatives.”The tax and spending bill (Tax Cuts and Job Act) enact...
17.Proportion of GDP Incomes Elements and Its Effect on the Tax Income;GDP收入要素比重对税收收入的影响分析 18.unearned income,eg from interest on investments非劳动收入(如投资利润所得). 相关短句/例句 the Percent of Labor Revenue劳动者收入比例 3)labor income share(LIS)劳动收入占比 4)labor incom...
1)labor income share(LIS)劳动收入占比 英文短句/例句 1.Labor income shares(LIS)in economic development:an empirical study based on China’s sectoral-level data经济发展中的劳动收入占比:基于中国产业数据的实证研究(英文) 2.Empirical Analysis of the Declining Share of Labor Gains in National Income关...
Considering Friday’s employment gains, a cut in January isn’t likely, said Lindsay Rosner, head of multi-sector fixed income investing at Goldman Sachs Asset Management. “The US labor market ended 2024 on a firm footing with strong employment growth, falling unemployment and resilient wage pre...