2013. Family proximity and the labor force status of women in Canada. Review of Economics of the Household, 2007(Feb.).Compton, Janice. 2015. "Family Proximity and the Labor Force Status of Women in Canada." Review of Economics of the Household, 13(2), 323-58....
1.a labor union of workers in related crafts, as distinguished from general workers or a union including all workers in an industry. 2.labor union. [1825–35] trade′-un`ion,adj. trade′ un′ionism,n. trade′ un′ionist,n.
Labor force participation refers to the percentage of individuals who are either employed or actively seeking employment, including both full-time and part-time workers as well as those who are unemployed. AI generated definition based on: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 2004 ...
Department of Justice Canada Department of Justice Recreation Association Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform Department of juvenile corrections Department of Juvenile Justice Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Department of Kinesiology and Health ...
We analyze changes in unemployment, marginal labor force attachment, and participation in Canada and the United States using consistent measurement concepts. We show the importance for the comparative evolution of aggregate unemployment ... SRG Jones,WC Riddell - 《Journal of Labor Economics》 被引量...
Labor Force Participation Rate refers to the ratio of the labor force to the population at or above a certain age, which is calculated by multiplying the population in the productive age group by this rate. AI generated definition based on: Understanding the Chinese Economies, 2013 ...
Definition: Female labor force as a percentage of the total show the extent to which women are active in the labor force. Labor force comprises people ages 15 and older who supply labor for the production of goods and services during a specified period. ...
(2014). P029 – Protocol of 2014 to the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 Protocol of 2014 to the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (Entry into force: 09 Nov 2016). Geneva: International Labor Organization. Google Scholar International Labor Organization. (2016). Ratifications of P029 – Protocol...
#12 in Labor Force Participation Gap by Gender #2 in Best States Overall #10 in Opportunity #4 in Equality New Hampshire may be one of the smallest states, but it traditionally has played an outsized role in the nation’s greatest task: election of the president. For decades the ...
Using correspondence analysis, we look at age-education cohorts of male immigrants who arrived in Canada between 1945 and 1961 and compare them to similar age-education groups of Canadian-born males in order to examine shifts in employment patterns across four census periods. We find that immigrant...