"In the long term, slower population growth and our increasingly older age structure will slow labor force growth, providing the age of eligibility for New Zealand Superannuation remains the same," he said.
Investigate the In Labor Force | Age 20-64 of Immigrants from France in the United States through statistical analysis.
The burnout-recovery process allows us to account for about 40 percent of re-entry, and one-quarter of the shifts to part-time work with age. We also consider the lower exit and re-entry rates after 2008, and attribute this to high option values of work in an environment where future ...
CEIC提供的劳动力:女性:年龄:15年及以上数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Philippine Statistics Authority,数据归类于全球数据库的菲律宾 – Table PH.G016: Labour Force Survey: Labour Force: Quarterly。 查看图表中 2004-07 到2024-07 期间的菲律宾 菲律宾 Labor Force: Female: Ag...
菲律宾2017-10的菲律宾 Labor Force: Male: Age: 25 to 34 Years是多少? 数值前次数值最小值最大值单位频率范围 7,550.002017-107,475.002017-075,973.002006-047,550.002017-10千人季2004-07 - 2017-10 菲律宾 Labor Force: Male: Age: 25 to 34 Years的相关指标 ...
Labor Force Participation Rates by Age and Gender and the Age and Gender Composition of the U.S. Civilian Labor Force and Adult Population EBRI Issue BriefCopeland, Craig
The labor force participation rate indicates the percentage of working-age people who are employed or are actively seeking work. In conjunction with the unemployment numbers, it offers some perspective into the state of the economy. Social, demographic, and economic trends cause the rate to fluctuat...
LSALateStoneAge LSALifetimeSavingsAccount LSAListofSectionsAffected LSALowSpeedAccess LSALiquidSolarArray(SunengyPty.Ltd.;Australia) LSALogisticsSupportabilityAnalysis LSALaserSurfaceAuthentication LSALocalServiceArea LSALeukemiaSocietyofAmerica LSAd-LysergicAcidAmide ...
the estimated labor force may be much smaller than the numbers actually working. Differing definitions of employment age also affect comparability. For most countries the working age is 15 and older, but in some countries children younger than 15 work full- or part-time and are included in the...
The proportion of the United States labor force ≥65 years of age is projected to increase between 2004 and 2014 by the passing of age 65 of the large post-World War II baby boom cohorts starting in 2010 and their greater longevity, income, education, and health [Tossi M (2005) Mon La...