泛指各国劳动节时,通称Labour Day(在美国也写作 Labor Day)。以美国为例,他们的Labor Day在每年九月份的第一个星期一。与咱们的五一劳动节并不一样。 "Labor Day" is a day that has been chosen to honor all workingpeople. "Labor" r...
The meaning of DAY LABOR is labor performed as a daily task : labor done or paid for by the day.
泛指各国劳动节时,通称 Labour Day(在美国也写作 Labor Day)。以美国为例,他们的Labor Day在每年九月份的第一个星期一。与咱们的五一劳动节并不一样。"Labor Day" is a day that has been chosen to honor all working people. "Labor" refers to the work done as well as the workers collectively. ...
最标准的劳动节叫作International Workers' Day(国际工人节)。 International Workers' Day, also known as Labor Day, is a public holiday of laborers and the working class in about 90 countries all over the world, which is promoted by the international labor movement and celebrated every year on Ma...
Labour Day (Labor Day in the United States) is an annual holiday to celebrate the achievements of workers. Labour Day has its origins in the labour union movement, specifically theeight-hour day movement, which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for re...
Labor Dayis a yearly tribute to the contribution of workers. 每年劳动节是他对工人的敬意. 互联网 Why mention this quote when this page is aboutLabor Day? 这篇文章是讲劳动节的,为什么引用这段文字 呢 ? 互联网 So start the budgeting process bylabor day, if not a bIt'sooner. ...
你说的是5.1吗?may day 是国际劳动节的英文表达。你的2个不同单词是不同的书写习惯。英语世界不仅有方言还有书写习惯。
没有太大的区别,都说的是五一劳动节。Labour Day的意思是:劳动节,Mayday的意思是:五一(劳动节)。但是这两个词的侧重点不同:Labour Day侧重于国外(如美国),Mayday则侧重于中国,所以我们常常会说:“五一去哪里玩呀?”而这些老外就听不懂了。
Why Is Labor Day Celebrated in September? InCanada the first parades of workers were held in 1872 in Ottawa andToronto, and later in that year the law making labour unions illegal was repealed. McGuire was invited to speak at the celebration in 1882. In 1894 Parliament officially recognized ...