International Labor Day 国际劳动节放假通知 尊敬的家长朋友: 您好! 五一国际劳动节即将到来,为了让孩子们度过一个平安、快乐且有意义的假期,需要家长和孩子配合幼儿园工作,共同守护孩子们的假期安全。现将放假时间及注意事项通知如下: ⭐五...
老板电器 ·Labor Day折扣全面升级 ️福利一:单品直降油烟机、灶具、一体机、洗碗机等全线产品直降:单品最高直降$250 ️福利二:组合购买更优惠组合购买最高立减$1250 ️福利三:豪华赠品购买一件产品,赠双立人牛排刀(价值$89)购买两件产品,...
泛指各国劳动节时,通称Labour Day(在美国也写作 Labor Day)。以美国为例,他们的Labor Day在每年九月份的第一个星期一。与咱们的五一劳动节并不一样。 "Labor Day" is a day that has been chosen to honor all workingpeople. "Labor" refers to the work done as well as the workerscollectively. we d...
9 / 2 就是一年一度的美國勞動節 Labor Day,不少美國網購站早已開始為年末折扣做暖身,這個時候很適合買換季、初秋特價商品,還有開學返校折扣的優惠也還在持續放送,因此許多童裝服飾、文具、3C 等開學用品,以及美容時尚等商品在新學期前都有折扣喔!尤其在勞動節前 1 ~ 2 天的週末,還會有許多快閃的優惠活動,趕緊...
通知: 美国时间2024年9月2日(下周一)为“Labor day”,海外仓放假一天,受节日的影响,周末到港的美森柜子将延迟提柜,所有货物交付提取派送时效将顺延1~2天,以上情况请知悉,对此造成不便,敬请谅解#放假通知#海运#空 - 湘诚欧美专线 大强于20240831发布在抖音,
Day Labor: Dirigido por R. Ellis Frazier. Com Danny Arroyo, Chris Ashworth, Gary Cairns, David Fernandez Jr.. A Latino American veteran who seeks work as a day laborer in order to keep his family afloat. A regular day turns into a deadly game of survival
Day Labor: Dirigido por R. Ellis Frazier. Com Danny Arroyo, Chris Ashworth, Gary Cairns, David Fernandez Jr.. A Latino American veteran who seeks work as a day laborer in order to keep his family afloat. A regular day turns into a deadly game of survival
Labor Day became a federal holiday in 1894, under President Grover Cleveland. Cleveland created the holiday during a crisis over federal efforts to end a strike by railroad workers. Today the holiday—celebrated on the first Monday in September—pays tri
good news is that plenty of retailers will be keeping their doors open on September 2. Others will remain closed on Labor Day — a nationalholidayin the U.S. since 1894 — while some stores might have shorter hours. Here's what to know about what's open and closed on Labor Day 2024...
People participate in the International Labor Day parade in Lusaka, Zambia, May 1, 2024. Zambia on Wednesday held a grand ceremony to celebrate International Labor Day in Lusaka. (Xinhua/Peng Lijun) Artists dance during the International Labor Day parade in Lusaka, Zambia, May 1, 2024. Zambia...