Free Labor Day Facebook covers and images. Category includes 3D covers, office workers, enjoying Labor Day on the beach, hard workers, carpenters and Happy Labor Day.
Happy Labor Day with stars in black and white. Hamburgers are almost ready. Man cooking out on Labor Day. Happy Labor Day animation with bright colors. Print Labor Day clipart below. Click on images for full size and printable view. Man relaxing and woman with other ideas. Boy and girl...
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See the best 6 free high-resolution photos of Labor Day | 6 best free beach, blue, sea, and summer photos on Unsplash selected by Angela Whalen. These HD images are free to use for commercial projects.
Clipart library offers about 19 high-quality clip labor day for free! Download clip labor day and use any clip art,coloring,png graphics in your website, document or presentation.
St. Patrick's Day Easter Cinco de Mayo Mother's Day Memorial Day Father's Day 4th of July - Independence Day Grandparent's Day Administrative Professionals (Secretary's) Day Boss' Day Labor Day anniversary eCards I'm sorry eCards get well eCards ...
The meaning of DAY LABOR is labor performed as a daily task : labor done or paid for by the day.
May Day n. 1.May 1, observed in the United States, Canada, and parts of Western Europe in celebration of the coming of spring. 2.May 1, observed as a holiday especially in socialist countries in honor of labor and labor organizations. ...
Labor Day n 1. (in the US and Canada) a public holiday in honour of labour, held on the first Monday in September 2. (in Australia) a public holiday observed on different days in different states Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins ...
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