The U.S. has rejected a petition to investigate alleged worker-rights violations at an auto-parts facility in Mexico -- the first reported rejection of a request to employ the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement’s rapid-response mechanism. The Interagency Labor Committee for Monitoring and Enforcement...
The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) announced on August 10, 2021, that the U.S. and Tridonex agreed to a course of remediation in response to a labor complaint filed against the auto parts manufacturer in May.
3) Worker-to-worker education sessions conducted by the CIW on the farms and on company time to insure workers understand their new rights and responsibilities; 4) A worker-triggered complaint resolution mechanism leading to complaint investigation, corrective action plans, and, if necessary, suspensi...
The North American Agreement on Free Trade (NAFTA) has stirred passionate debates in Canada. Proponents predicted that increased trade liberalization would create more jobs, greater multinational investment, and an overall better standard of living. Opponents, however, argued that NAFTA would lead to w...
Her lawyer, Eric Sanders, filed a discrimination complaint with the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, a precursor to a lawsuit. Maddrey abruptly retired the day of The Post report. He claimed through his lawyer on Friday that he had a “consensual, adult relationship” with Epps, but ...
By many accounts, especially those that have surfaced as a result of the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) and its complaint process, working conditions have eroded while the enforcement of workers' rights has been rolled back. Meanwhile, union density has declined and the ...
Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE), California - Provides a wide variety of services to the public, from wage claim adjudication and discrimination complaint investigations to enforcement of California's labor laws and Industrial Welfare Commission orders. ...
(Bhagwati,1995). This can occur when PTAs include binding commitments over labor standards that are enforceable through dispute settlement. A party to such an agreement may refer a complaint against a non-complying trade partner to a panel of experts for arbitration. If the panel rules against ...
Retaliation for Filing a Complaint Sexual Orientation Sexually Harassed Terminated or Laid Off the Job Unemployment Benefits Unsafe/Unhealthy Job Conditions U.S. Reservist Wage Garnishment Wage Theft Youth Employment WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF LABOR UNIONS? The origin of labor unions dates back to the ...
Major Topics: The President's Committee on Migratory Labor; migrant housing and water supply; transportation of migrant workers; illegal deductions for wages of carrot workers; Salinas Valley; United Packing House Workers of America complaint on unsanitary working conditions in lettuce fields; National ...