ZEBRA工业打印机 ZM400产品介绍:打印发票,收据,标签和更高达4英寸宽持久耐用的移动打印机,以满足IP54防尘防水要求。 标准功能 热转印和直热式操作模式(一次只能使用一个模式) 压铸铝底座,框架和打印头机构, 金属介质盖有清晰的大 标准功能 16 MB DRAM,8MB闪存 203DPI(8点/毫米)打印头 RS-232C串行接口 高速,双...
The 110mm wide label is not going to fit into a 104mm wide printer such as the Zebra LP/TLP-2844 or ZM400 series.2. Make sure that the supplier knows and understands the printer you intend to use.Mobile Desktop Mid-range/Industrial...
We are sales and service partner of Zebra Printers. Buy Zebra Printers, Zebra Printers Labels, Zebra Printers Ribbons at best prices and get free technical support terms and condition apply.We have different Zebra Printers models:Zebra ZM400 Barcode ... ...
Zebra Z-Ultimate 2000T White Labels - A pearl white, gloss polyester thermal transfer label with a permanent acrylic adhesive. Ideal for applications that require outstanding print quality and unparalleled smear and scratch resistance. UL recognized for indoor and outdoor use when used with compatible...
·斑马Zebra ZM400工商两用条码打印机物理特性: 长度:475mm 宽度:278mm 高度:338mm 净重:15kg ·斑马Zebra ZM400工商两用条码打印机产品特性: 标准内存:4MB DRAM (2MB用户使用) Zebra 的 E3 打印元件控制技术 选配:升级至2MB FLASH 存储器或通过PCMCIA卡升级到8MB FLASH ...