D.B. contributed to funding acquisition, conceived and designed the study, collected samples, performed the laboratory work, analysed the data, wrote the paper, prepared figures and tables, reviewed drafts of the paper. D.A.W. conceived and designed the study, analysed the data, wrote the pap...
Browse Figures Versions Notes Abstract Front-of-pack labels (FOPLs) provide simplified nutritional information that aims to inform consumer choice and encourage reformulation. We conducted an online randomised controlled experiment on a representative British sample to test the effectiveness of FOPLs across...
Browse Figures Versions Notes Abstract Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are heterogeneous in size (30 nm–10 µm), content (lipid, RNA, DNA, protein), and potential function(s). Many isolation techniques routinely discard the large EVs at the early stages of small EV or exosome isolation protocol...
Browse Figures Versions Notes Abstract Background: Ki-67 immunostaining is commonly used in neuroendocrine tumors to estimate the proliferative index and for grading. This study investigates its association with the invasiveness of follicular-derived thyroid carcinomas (TCs). Methods: A retrospective analy...
Browse Figures Versions Notes Abstract Bread is one of the most common staple foods, despite the increasing consumption of the so-called “bread substitutes”. The aim of the present work is to survey the nutritional quality intended as a nutrition declaration of 339 pre-packed bread products and...
Browse Figures Versions Notes Abstract A labelling assessment study of Greek prepacked “quality label” cheeses was conducted with a view to provide an overview of the whole category. In total, 158 prepacked products belonging to 19 “quality label” cheeses were identified in the Greek market....
Browse Figures Review Reports Versions Notes Abstract Construction products based on brick clay have been intensively used for the construction of buildings in the Republic of Serbia. The basic raw material for the manufacture of these products is brick clay, which is a natural mineral resource. ...
Browse Figures Versions Notes Abstract Milk and its derivatives are the basis of human nutrition since childhood. Given their importance within a balanced diet, the determination of carbohydrates in milk and its derivatives is fundamental for two reasons: one of alimentary origin related to intolerances...
Browse Figures Versions Notes Abstract The characteristics of food allergen labelling are relevant for avoiding accidental exposure to the allergens of interest but no Latin American country has evaluated these characteristics. Our aim was to evaluate the characteristics of food allergen labelling and preca...
Browse Figures Versions Notes Abstract As the most abundant protein with a variety of physiological functions, human serum albumin (HSA) has been used extensively for the delivery and improvement of therapeutic molecules. Thiolactone chemistry provides a powerful tool to prepare albumin-based multimodal...