The data used specifically for this assignemnt are a flower database are not provided in the repository as it's larger than what github allows. Nevertheless, feel free to create your own databases and train the model on them to use with your own projects. The structure of your data should...
Photophysical aspects regarding the effects of Paeonia officinalis flower extract on DNA molecule labelled with methylene bluePaeonia officinalisAntibacterial and antioxidant propertiesDNAMethylene blueSpectral characterizationLACTIFLORA PALL.IN-VITROINHIBITION
Field study of the fate of labelled fertilizer ammonium-N applied to sesame and sunflower in a sandy soil. Plant and Soil 107, 123-126.Atta, S. KH. and 0 . Van Cleemput. 1988. Field study of the fate of labelled fertilizer ammonium-N applied to sesame and sunflower in a sandy soil...
doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-1674-5_7Sue L. FieldingMaggie A. FlowerSpringer London
Sequential samplingEpiphytesTropical montane forestAn abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.1097/00006231-199204000-00137Lane, D. M.Green, A. J.Flower, M. A.Begent, R. H.J.Nuclear Medicine Communications...
The production of small fruit during warm weather is associated with smaller flowers and fewer stamens, germinated pollen grains, carpels and achenes in each flower or fruit. Warm conditions increase respiration in the leaves and the fruit. Fruit weight is moderately heritabl...