To show that there are four octahedral voids per unit cell in a cubic close-packed (CCP) structure, we can follow these steps:Step 1: Draw the Unit Cell - Start by drawing a cube to represent the unit cell of the cubic close-pa
1. Derivatised nucleic acid sequence with one or more structural elements of the general formula : X-A-M in which X signifies the group see diagramm : EP0173251,P7,F2 or see diagramm : EP0173251,P7,F3 whereby the N-atom represents the amine nitrogen atom of a nuclein base and R a...
b, Topological diagram showing the h-type immunoglobu- lin-like fold of D1 and the s-type fold of D2. The -sheet at the D1–D2 interface (strands AЈ and G in D1 and a fragment of strand G in D2) is shown below D1. Loops L1–L6 are implicated in ligand binding by...
For sake of an example, two sets of model parameters are shown in Table 1, one for supercritical, the other for a subcritical type of fossil fuelled thermal unit. Drum Type Boilers The functional diagram for the model of a generator unit which is supplied by a fossil-fuelled drum type of...
In our approach, the UML Class diagram formalism is used to define a meta-model of LRN. The meta-modeling tool ATOM3 is used to generate a visual modeling tool according to the proposed LRN meta-model. We have also proposed a graph grammar to generate R-Maude [22] specification from ...