Vessels and Innervation of the Pelvis Arterial supply Blood to the pelvis is supplied by: Abdominal aorta : bifurcates into the left and right common iliac arteries Common iliac artery: bifurcates at the sacroiliac joint into the internal and external iliac arteries Internal iliac artery: divi...
The network of blood vessels in the human body is such that it connects all the organs of the body to the heart. The main function of the blood vessels is to transport oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body (via the lungs), and collect deoxygenated blood from the diff...
Heck, A.F., Hasuo, M., Furuse, M., Brock, M., and Dietz, H., 1976, Distribution of serum protein labelled with Evans blue in the walls of extra-and intracranial blood vessels of the cat. Atherosclerosis , 23:227.Heck, A.F., Hasuo, M., Furuse, M., Brock, M., Dietz, H....
Pixel differences that yielded negative values are thought to largely reflect volume averaging artifacts related to the abutting high tracer activity of the blood within the LV chamber, and were thus set to zero. 4.5. Myocardial Infarction Size Measurement The rat heart slices were stained with ...