The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Asian Palmyra palm (Borassus flabellifer).doi:10.1186/S13104-017-3077-8Arpakorn SakulsathapornPassorn WonnapinijSupachai VuttipongchaikijSomsak ApisitwanichBioMed Central
BMC Res Notes (2017) 10:740 BMC Research Notes RESEARCH NOTE Open Access The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Asian Palmyra palm (Borassus flabellifer) Arpakorn Sakulsathaporn1,2, Passorn Wonnapinij3,4, Supachai Vuttipongchaikij3...
and enoyl reductase chloroplast precursor. Nevertheless, the gel-based/label free proteomics approach has never been used for identification of proteins in heat-stressed developing grains in rice. In this study, gel-free/label-free proteomic analysis was carried out to analyze the effect of heat st...
The lack of a signal in the center of the cells indicated absence of LDs from the cup-shaped, central chloroplast (Fig. 1f), which was most obvious when measured at day eight (Fig. 1g). Removal of nitrogen led to a cessation of cell doubling after approximately one post nutrient ...
CELLS. Cell Parts Challenge #2 Do you know the organelles? Animal Cell. Animal Cells. Give 3 examples of eukaryotic cells and 2 prokaryotic cells. Vacuole Mitochondria Nucleus Cell Wall Chloroplast Membrane Three Parts to the Cell Theory What is Inside a Cell?. ...
Cox, Fluor- escence polarization and spin-label studies of the fluidity of stromal and granal chloroplast membranes, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 681 (1982) 145-151.Ford, R. C., Chapman, D. J., Barber, J., Pedersen, J. Z., and Cox, R. P. (1982) Fluorescence polarization and spin-...
During those developing stages, stress and regulatory proteins have been detected, such as dehydrin family protein, acidic leucine-rich nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member A, adenylate cyclase associated CAP domain containing protein, and enoyl reductase chloroplast precursor. Nevertheless, the gel-...