After being secured on a portable surgical appa- ratus, the left kidney was exposed through laparotomy of the left flank region and the kidney was securely placed in a lucite holder. The right femoral vein was then cannulated with polyethylene tubing for administration of pharma- cologic agents....
5849 Acute kidney failure NOS 0.416 0.493 0.451 0.333 0.523 0.407 25000 DMII wo cmp nt st uncntr 0.067 0.344 0.113 0.068 0.278 0.110 2724 Hyperlipidemia NEC/NOS 0.289 0.605 0.391 0.585 0.666 0.623 51881 Acute respiratry failure 0.314 0.489 0.382 0.205 0.514 0.293 5990 Urin tract infection...