Label-free optical microscopy utilizes the information encoded in light scattered off unlabeled particles to generate the images. This review article starts off with a discussion on how this light matter interaction gives rise to the issues of poor-contr
The quantification of membrane-associated biomolecular interactions is crucial to our understanding of various cellular processes. State-of-the-art single-molecule approaches rely largely on the addition of fluorescent labels, which complicates the quant
(4) The repeatability of segmentation is also very important because the following feature extraction procedure is performed on the segmented tumors, and repeatable segmentation ensures that the extracted features are stable and reliable. Despite the above difficulties and problems in the segmentation ...
The initial purpose of the media was to inform, educate, or entertain the public via a handful of media outlets. It was a different way to communicate and impact society in general. However, such focus has shifted today, withartificial intelligencelaying the groundwork for the new media era....
the functional chemistry of intracellular components. Here we demonstrate a technique for intracellular label-free chemical mapping with nanoscale (~30 nm) resolution. We use a probe-based optical microscope illuminated with a mid-infrared laser whose wavelengths excite vibrational modes of functional ...
Large-scale pairwise drug combination analysis has lately gained momentum in drug discovery and development projects, mainly due to the employment of advanced experimental-computational pipelines. This is fortunate as drug combinations are often required
Immediately following harvest, a custom inverted microscope (TE-2000, Nikon Instruments) with a Xe arc lamp and an array of thin film tunable filters (VersaChrone, Semrock, Inc.) were used to collect hyperspectral image data from each sample. Scans utilized excitation wavelengths from 360nm to ...
17 Several manual or automated analysis software programs have been developed for tracking continuous signals of corneal nerves with either curvilinear or linear morphological features in CCM images.18,19 However, current methodologies have limitations for imaging the discontinuous structure of free intra...
(SLIM), a highly sensitive interferometric method, to image viruses deposited on a glass slide. Although individual viruses are below the diffraction limit of the microscope, the optical path-length information retrieved by SLIM unravels the nanoscale distribution of the refractive index associated with...
5(first row)], following features were found. Namely, the OCT images show that the spheroid surface becomes hazy after a long treatment time. The LIV images show that the number of low-LIV spots increases over time and the necrotic core, which is the centermost red region, disappears on ...