Optical refractive index biosensors are susceptible devices for the assessment of various blood components like blood plasma, WBCs, hemoglobin, RBCs, and diabetes mellitus. These biosensors play a crucial role in various fields, including environmental monitoring, pharmaceuticals, biomedical research, and ...
Glycine is a precursor for both the globin and heme components of hemoglobin (Hb), so stable isotope-labeled glycine (15N-glycine) can be used to measure RBC survival. Following ingestion of 15N-glycine, labeled Hb is synthesized within RBC precursors that are subsequently released as an age ...
Eating satisfaction is one of the most important characteristics by which consumers judge meat quality after purchase (Grunert, Bredahl, & Brunso, 2004); tenderness, color and juiciness are the major components of beef palatability (Muchenje et al., 2009; Serra, Ruiz-Ramirez, Arnau, & Gou,...
1B). Proteomic analysis of CP was also performed using mass spectrometry for characterization of the major protein components of plasma. As expected a large number of immunoglobulin subtypes were featured in the proteomic profile of CP (Fig. 1C). The proteome content of CP was also featured ...
QFPD contains 21 herbal components optimized for the symptoms of COVID-19. Recent network pharmacological studies identified a large number of active natural compounds contained in the herbal ingredients of QFPD, and predicted the comprehensive molecular, biological and functional networks underlying its...
With absorption spectra, the concentration of structural and functional tissue components (such as oxy-hemoglobin, deoxy-hemoglobin, water and lipids) can be easily calculated using Beer’s law2,5. Dynamics in the concentrations and spatial distribution of those components are hallmarks of many ...
of 45 GO terms among the three root zones (Fig.4and Additional file5: Table S4). Furthermore, the DAPs were subcategorized into 16 main hierarchically structured GO classifications including 16 biological processes (BP), 16 molecular functions (MF), and 13 cellular components (CC) (Fig.4a)...
Hence, we want to exploit the incomplete label information to find a transformation that merges the q2 components of the mixture model into Nc clusters, where Nc is the number of classes. The mapping M can be thought of as a (soft) Nc-class classifier, and hence there could be many poss...
The line of regression had a slope of 0.94 and an intercept of 40; these parameters are not significantly different from a line of identity. In nine sheep, RCS was determined using [14C]cyanate. Survival after d 1 accurately fit a model containing two components: 1) an early exponential ...
1A, the T2DM and healthy groups were separated. The first and second principal components (PC1 and PC2) explained 39.4 and 9.1% of the variation in samples in the PLS-DA score plot. Figure 1 (A) Partial Least-Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) of T2DM and healthy serum proteomics ...