默认情况下,Label 文本处于不可选状态,但可以使其处于可选状态。 如果Label 大小小于其文本大小,您可以控制是直接对文本进行剪辑还是使用可本地化的字符串(如“...”)截断文本。(注意:可截断纯文本,但无法截断 HTML 文本。)如果仅显示了 Label 文本(无论是纯文本还是 HTML 文本)的部分内容,并且您尚未为标签分...
Connect Label Studio to the server on the model page found in project settings. This lets you: Pre-labelyour data using model predictions. Doonline learningand retrain your model while new annotations are being created. Doactive learningby labeling only the most complex examples in your data. ...
TagKey Gets the HTML tag that is used to render the Label control. TagName Gets the name of the control tag. This property is used primarily by control developers. (Inherited from WebControl) TemplateControl Gets or sets a reference to the template that contains this control. (Inherited...
Page Template Personal Document Template Phone Call Planner Business Scenario Planner Sync Action Plug-in Plug-in Assembly Plug-in Trace Log Plug-in Type Plug-in Type Statistic Plugin Package PM Analysis History PM Business Rule Automation Config PM Calendar PM Calendar Version PM Inferred Task PM ...
[-ContentType <MipLabelContentType>] [-DefaultContentLabel <String>] [-DynamicWatermarkDisplay <String>] [-EncryptionAipTemplateScopes <String>] [-EncryptionContentExpiredOnDateInDaysOrNever <String>] [-EncryptionDoNotForward <System.Boolean>] [-EncryptionDoubleKeyEncryptionUrl <String>] [-Encryption...
And when clicking on "Open in new tab" I just get a 500 Server error. URL path is: /labels/DefaultLabel?settings[label2_enable]=1&settings[label2_template]=DefaultLabel&settings[label2_title]=&settings[label2_1d_type]=default&settings[label2_2d_type]=none&settings[label2_2d_target]=ha...
LabelItemRenderer 类为手机主题中基于列表的控件定义默认项呈示器。这是具有单个文本组件的简单项呈示器。 该项呈示器创建单个 StyleableTextField 控件以显示字符串。项呈示器中 StyleableTextField 控件的名称为labelDisplay。使用基于列表的控件的labelField属性指定要显示在 StyleableTextField 控件中的数据...
ContentTemplateSelector 获取或设置一个模板选择器,以使应用程序编写器能够提供自定义模板选择逻辑。 (继承自 ContentControl) ContextMenu 获取或设置上下文菜单元素,每当通过用户界面 (UI) 此元素内请求上下文菜单时,应显示该元素。 (继承自 FrameworkElement) Cursor 获取或设置在鼠标指针位于此元素上时显示的光...
MapSpatialElementTemplate.Label プロパティ リファレンス フィードバック 定義 名前空間: Microsoft.ReportingServices.OnDemandReportRendering アセンブリ: Microsoft.ReportingServices.ProcessingCore.dll 空間要素テンプレートを適用する空間要素のラベル テキストを取得します。 C# コピ...
entity a reference to the constant entity holding the list of entity references is.dataFormat.guid is.dataFormat.character is.dataFormat.array Relationship_WHSWaveLabelTypeRelationshipId First included in: Group/WHSWaveLabelTemplate (this entity) Properties توسي...