If you want to adjust or change the labels of your joints, Adjusting joint labels. Adjusting joint labels To set or adjust individual joint labels from the Attribute Editor Select the joint in your source or target skeleton whose labelling you want to change and open the Attribute Editor. ...
public onEnable () : void 返回值: void Defined in cocos/2d/components/label-shadow.ts:130 public onDisable () : void 返回值: void Defined in cocos/2d/components/label-shadow.ts:134 public getComponentsInChildren <T extends Component> (classConstructor : Constructor < T >) : T [] ...
PXCMPersonTrackingData.PersonJoint ptj=ptp.QuerySkeletonJoints(); https://software.intel.com/sites/landingpage/realsense/camera-sdk/v1.1/documentation/html/index.html?doc_pt_tracking_joints.html at the link: Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2016 R2 Documentation Why can I get Skeleton...
When I was facing the camera, numPerson = 1, but numJoints = 0. Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply MartyG Honored Contributor III 03-21-2018 01:16 AM 921 Views This problem with detecting the skeleton in the old RealSense Windows SDKs has been around for a very long time. ...
public onEnable () : void 返回值: void Defined in cocos/2d/components/label-shadow.ts:128 public onDisable () : void 返回值: void Defined in cocos/2d/components/label-shadow.ts:132 public getComponentsInChildren <T extends DESCRIPTOR> (classConstructor : Constructor < T >) : T [] ...
config->EnableNormalizedJoints(showNormalizedSkeleton); config->SetTrackingBounds(nearDis, farDis, nearWidth, nearHeight); Line 859: config->ApplyChanges(); pxcF32 nearDistance = 0; pxcF32 farDistance = 0; pxcF32 widthDistance = 0; pxcF32 heightDistance = 0; config->QueryTrackingBounds(nea...
On the top of the screen aiming downwards Something like this: But then aiming it angled downwards. Is that possible at all? We noticed a lot of loss in leg tracking, during a skeleton tracking minigame/demo. So for now we have it under the screen pointing straight forward but that is...
This sounds like the old 'returns null' issue with skeleton tracking that many people have had with this feature since RealSense launched in 2014. Skeleton tracking mode has to be enabled, otherwise skeleton joints return '0'. This link may be of use to you. Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Re...
PXCMPersonTrackingData.PersonJoint ptj=ptp.QuerySkeletonJoints(); https://software.intel.com/sites/landingpage/realsense/camera-sdk/v1.1/documentation/html/index.html?doc_pt_tracking_joints.html at the link: Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2016 R2 Documentation Why can I get Skeleton...
PXCMPersonTrackingData.PersonJoint ptj=ptp.QuerySkeletonJoints(); https://software.intel.com/sites/landingpage/realsense/camera-sdk/v1.1/documentation/html/index.html?doc_pt_tracking_joints.html at the link: Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2016 R2 Documentation Why can I get SkeletonPoint[] fro...