A label can be attached to another control. When you create a text box, for example, it has an attached label that displays a caption for that text box. This label appears as a column heading in the Datasheet view of a form.When you create a label by using the Label tool, the ...
Label.ControlType 属性 (Access) Learn 登录 本文原文为英文,已针对你所在市场进行了翻译。 你对所用语言的质量的满意度如何? Line 对象 ListBox 对象 MacroError 对象 Module 对象 Modules 对象 NavigationButton 对象 NavigationControl 对象 ObjectFrame 对象...
A security administrator configures the LBAC system by creating security label components. Asecurity label componentis a database object that represents a criterion you want to use to determine if a user should access a piece of data. For example, the criterion can be whether the user is in a...
Run theonstat -g cac lbacplcyandonstat -g cac lbacusrccommands to monitor the label-based access control (LBAC) caches. Set the following configuration parameters to control the LBAC caches: PLCY_HASHSIZE Specifies the number of hash buckets in the security policy information cache. ...
When the auto-labeling policy includes locations for SharePoint or OneDrive, the label must be configured for the Assign permissions now setting, and User access to content expires must be set to Never. When the auto-labeling policy is just for Exchange, the label can be configured for either...
如果开启了LabelSecurity,项目所有者(Project Owner)需要定义明确的表或表的列敏感等级、用户访问许可等级划分标准,并分别为表或表的列、用户或角色设置敏感等级标签、访问许可等级标签。当用户访问设置了敏感等级的数据时,除必须拥有目标表的SELECT权限外,仅能访问敏感等级小于等于自身访问许可等级的表或列数据。 LabelSe...
Gets or sets the access key that allows you to quickly navigate to the Web server control. (Inherited from WebControl) Adapter Gets the browser-specific adapter for the control. (Inherited from Control) AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory Gets or sets the application-relative virtual directory ...
When the auto-labeling policy includes locations for SharePoint or OneDrive, the label must be configured for the Assign permissions now setting, and User access to content expires must be set to Never. When the auto-labeling policy is just for Exchange, the label can be configured ...
Represents the text label for a control and provides support for access keys.C# Copy [System.Windows.Localizability(System.Windows.LocalizationCategory.Label)] public class Label : System.Windows.Controls.ContentControlInheritance Object DispatcherObject DependencyObject Visual UIElement FrameworkElement Control...
A Label participates in the tab order of a form, but does not receive focus (the next control in the tab order receives focus). For example, if the UseMnemonic property is set to true, and a mnemonic character - the first character after an ampersand (&) - is specified in the Text ...