10. Obs. a strip or narrow piece of anything. v.t. 11. to affix a label to; mark with a label. 12. to designate or describe by or on a label. 13. to put in a certain class; classify. 14. to incorporate a radioactive or heavy isotope into (a molecule) in order to ...
Obsolete.a strip or narrow piece of anything. verb (used with object) labeled,labelingor(especially British)labelled,labelling. to affix a label to; mark with a label: The drawers have all been labeled with their contents. to designate or describe by or on a label: ...
and anything'Made in China'shouldn't be considered in any case."When I decide to visit my family members in China,I will have a big headache.What should I buy for them?They may not all speak English,but everyone in China knows those three words,"a Chinese American said."When they ...
比如,don't label yourself with anything. 不要给自己贴标签。
一、词义不同 1、label:标签;商标;绰号;唱片公司;词目标注;(计算机)标记;示踪剂;带垂饰的横带 例句:If anything, the label should be on the other side. 如果真要这样做,标签应该贴在反面。2、mark:标志;马克;符号;痕迹;分数 例句:Thedollareasedagainst themark.美元对马克的...
AnyTag allows for you to use NFC Tags as a way to label anything you wish. Simply place the tag, and give it a text description. Anyone with the AnyTag app can…
FYI "makeMeTappable" is a name I choose for clarity, you can use anything like "anythingYouCanThinkOf" tappableText.addAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.link, value: "makeMeTappable", range: NSMakeRange(0, tappableText.length)) yourTextView.linkTextAttributes = [NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor...
本文将介绍结合 Label-Studio 和 SAM (Segment Anything) 半自动化标注方案,Point2Lablel:用户只需要在物体的区域内点一个点就能得到物体的掩码和边界框标注,Bbox2Label:用户只需要标注物体的边界框就能生成物体的掩码,社区的用户可以借鉴此方法,提高数据标...
But TVs and fashionable clothes aren't rare any more and anything 'Made in China' shouldn’t be considered in any case. "When I decide to visit my family members in China I will have a big headache. What should I buy for them? They may not all speak English but everyone in China ...
6 TVs and fashionable clothes are not common anymore, and anything “Made in China” shouldn’t be considered in any case. “When I decided to visit my family members in China, I will have a big 7 . What should I buy for them? They may not all speak English, but everyone in China...