本文会以一个虚拟的实验为参考,分别为大家详细讲解lab report中的:Title(标题)✔Introduction (背景/原理)✔Materials (实验器材、药品)✔Methods (实验步骤)✔Results(数据)✔Discussion (解释)✔在文章后面也会给到同学们一些小tips,帮助大家少走弯路哦~ 先来看一个简单粗暴的Example 假设有一种只有在Ea...
Introduction就是要介绍读者或许不会知道,但后文(discussion部分)会频繁提到的terms(例如“pano”) 和相关的原理。 但到底介绍多少内容,又介绍得多细节呢? 不妨换位思考,考虑下这个问题:对你的研究对象一无所知的人,是否可以直接看懂你的Results和Discussion部分? 我们来一起在脑海里想象一下,你要如何向一位无辜路...
9、Results 实验结果 在实验结果部分,你应该报告您进行的所有统计分析程序的结果。你应该清楚地说明统计...
introduced so that the experimental results can be understood, then this is the place to do it. In fact, you will find it missing in some papers because there was no background theory to discuss. In many cases the theory is not extensive enough to place it in a dedicated section and ...
总而言之,lab report写作遵从describesthe procedure, results, discussion,and conclusions这些固定写作模式,只要实验过程实验数据真实有效,那么高分还是很容易的。 上面就是关于物理lab辅导之Lab report写作的详细内容,都说Lab report是很容易得到高分的作业形式,Lab report考察学子实验中解决问题的能力,实验后的思考及表达...
Results: Present your findings and use graphs or tables; don’t include commentary. Discussion: Present the connections in your findings and what they mean in the grand scheme of your experiment. Conclusion: Reveal what you’ve discovered and discuss why it’s important. References: Here is whe...
Results Describe in words what the data means. Sometimes the Results section is combined with the Discussion (Results & Discussion). Discussion or Analysis The Data section contains numbers. The Analysis section contains any calculations you made based on those numbers. This is where you interpret ...
5. 讨论 Discussion 讨论结果意义。Abstract摘要虽然是Lab Report里面的第一部分,但是我们建议把报告的...
Results— report all statistical analyses Discussion— interpret and evaluate the results; identify limitations Conclusion— sum up the findings of your lab experiment References— list sources you used and cited in your report (follow the assigned citation style: APA or MLA)Below are your practical...
the results did not satisfy the expectations. Anyway, it may also assist you in determining the ideal approach to take in crafting the conclusion. The ending of the report is the part that reiterates the key outcome of the experiment and offers the readers a summary of the laboratory trials....