写完前面所有的内容后你只需要最后写一个summary,简单概括下你的实验内容和数据,并突出你的实验hypothesis有没有被验证。 然后你的lab report的内容部分就完成啦! 也许很多同学们会觉得,这一段有好多重复的内容,尤其是原理在introduction 和discussion都出现了,会不会太过repetitive?我真的应该再写这些吗? 其实不必担...
在这里,你首先要开门见山地讲出你的数据是否support了你的hypothesis,又怎样support(或是不support)。 用词小贴士 我们一般会说support hypothesis而不是prove hypothesis,因为生物和化学实验都属于“经验科学”这一大类。即使过去几千年以来的实验都出现相同结论,我们也不能百分之百确定明天这么做,大自然会给我们同样...
The aims, objectives and/or hypothesisshould be given in the context of the real worldapplication outside the experiment. There should be a broad introduction to the backgroundof the science, the reasons for doing the work, and whowill benefit from the results. For example: if the subjectof...
Introduction作用就是说明您假设的来源,您应该解释您的研究及其假设或目标又哪些关系。要注意的是目标 (purpose) 与假设 (hypothesis) 是不一样的:目标代表您从实验中希望取得什么,而假设是您直接希望发生的结果。再说,就是要重视下面的重点: 从相关理论开始,提供您主题的简介; 把您主题范围缩减到具体的理论与研究;...
第一部分:标题 Lab report的标题应该描述实验并反映实验分析的内容。注意:选题一定要选择感兴趣且操作性...
lab report and follow the rules specified in your grading rubric. The structure will always include scientific aims and the hypothesis that turns into the results of your work with a brief discussion. The purpose here is to explain why you have conducted the practical work and the methods used...
* Make sure the statement is testable, you may also include a null hypothesis. Example: Ponds located near populated areas will have less organisms than ponds found in isolated areas. Materials and Methods: *Make a list of ALL items used in the lab. Alternatively, materials can be included...
or non-germinating pea seeds. I think that the germinating seeds will have a higher oxygen consumption rate in a room temperature water bath than the non-germinating seeds. My reason for this hypothesis is that a dormant seed would not have to go through respiration because it is not a plan...
Tip: Write it after you’ve drafted all other lab report sections. Thus, you’ll see the bigger picture and understand what to summarize about each section.Note: Write your lab report’s abstract in the past tense.IntroductionIt’s a lab report’s first paragraph explaining your hypothesis ...
The “lab leak” hypothesis is resurrected The idea that SARS-CoV-2 originated in a laboratory has continued to bubble under the surface of discussions of the pandemic but wasn’t really a major discussion point for a number of months—that is, until recently. Late last month, ...