Kingdom Labradors~Reputable Breeder of AKC Labrador Retrievers from Outstanding English Champion bloodlines! Our GORGEOUS Lab Puppies for sale are the BEST in California! Our White, Cream, Yellow & Black Lab Pups are Lovingly Hand-Raised in our home.
Cedar Ridge Beagles– This Iowa breeder offers a wide variety of Beagle pups, even puppies with rare lilac or silver/blue coats. They charge $650 for each puppy, which will have received its first round of vaccinations before getting released into your care. Hidden Pond Labradors– This breed...
Labrador Retriever Breeders New England East Coast Area, Formerly Colorado, English Bred Puppies for Quality, Type, Temperament, labradors breeder, and Soundness for Companions, Field, and Show. Black, Chocolate, and Yellow Labs. MA, Maine, ME, NJ, New Jersey, NH, New Hampshire, CT, PA, l...