图一(来源:Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials, 2, 3, Article 9) 通过简单的推算可以发现, La3Ni2O7 中Ni的电子排布在 d7.5 附近,这和镍基无限层超导以及铜氧超导的 d9 电子排布有很大的区别。2023年中山大学的王猛教授团队发现,在高压下 La3Ni2O7 存在接近80K的超导相(Nature 621,...
Nature Physicsthanks the anonymous reviewers for their contribution to the peer review of this work. About this article Cite this article Zhang, Y., Su, D., Huang, Y.et al.High-temperature superconductivity with zero resistance and strange-metal behaviour in La3Ni2O7−δ.Nat. Phys.20, ...
al., Nature 621, 493)。镍氧化物超导的发现最初受到铜氧化物高温超导的启发,因此其超导电性是否与铜氧化物超导机理相似,引起了学术界的巨大关注。 内容简介 清华大学物理系张广铭教授与上海交通大学物理与天文学院秦明普副教授及博士后沈阳合作,根据镍氧化物La3Ni2O7材料体系的基本特征(Ni为+2.5价,dz2轨道接近半...
Department of Physics and Guangdong Basic Research Center of Excellence for Quantum Science, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China Guangdi Zhou, Wei Lv, Heng Wang, Zihao Nie, Yaqi Chen, Yueying Li, Haoliang Huang, Weiqiang Chen, Yujie Sun, Qi-Kun Xue & Zhuoyu Chen ...
Recently, the bilayer nickelate La3Ni2O7 has been discovered as a new superconductor with transition temperature Tc near 80 K under high pressure1–3. Despite extensive theoretical and experimental work to understand the nature of its superconductivit
Xing Huanghttps://ror.org/0064kty71grid.12981.330000 0001 2360 039XGuangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Magnetoelectric Physics and Devices, School of PhysicsSun Yat-Sen University Guangzhou Guangdong ChinaNature Publishing Group UKNature Communications...
Through X-ray absorption spectroscopy, we have uncovered the crucial influence of oxygen ligands on the electronic ground states of the Ni ions, displaying a charge transfer nature akin to cuprate but with distinct orbital configurations. Both in-plane and out-of-plane Zhang-Rice singlets ...
With recent discoveries of superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelates and in La3Ni2O7 under high pressure, new opportunities appeared that yet another family of high -temperature superconductors based on Ni element may exist in nature, as was previously the case of cuprates and iron -based ...
The weak transverse field μ+SR measurements reveal the bulk nature of magnetism. In addition, a small quantity of oxygen deficiencies can greatly broaden the internal magnetic field distribution sensed by muons.Kaiwen ChenXiangqi LiuJiachen Jiao...
We investigate this timely question via a numerical multiscale derivation of effective many-body physics. At the atomic scale, we first clarify that the system has a strong charge transfer nature with itinerant carriers residing mainly in the in-plane oxygen between spin-1 Ni2+ ions. We then ...