This estimate does not consider projection effects of the finite cross-section, the immediate interface region between the film and substrate (i.e. up to the first LaO layer), and extended structural defects which cannot be projected to an RP phase. The estimates are based on multiple images ...
Recently, the bilayer nickelate La 3 Ni 2 O 7 has been discovered as a new superconductor with transition temperature T c near 80K under high pressure 1 , 2 , 3 . Despite extensive theoretical and experimental work to understand the nature of its superconductivity 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ...
In this study, the authors identify the electronic ground states of the La3Ni2O7film at ambient pressure revealing the critical role of ligand oxygen and the existence of long-range spin ordering along with charge-like anisotropy.Xiaolin Ren...