Sony LA-EA3 adapter (adapts Sony Alpha or Minolta MAXXUM AF SLR lenses to NEX, about $200).My biggest source of support is when you use any of these links, especially this link directly to it at Adorama or directly to it at Amazon, when you get anything, regardless of the country ...
There is an assembly Sony a6500 + La-Ea3 adapter + Sony SAL 70-400 G (first generation). And there are problems that I don't know how to solve:1. Very long focusing and sometimes inability to focus on the subject In general I think that worse focusing through adapter is expected, bu...
A quick reminder, the purpose of this test was to see which lenses work properly in auto focus mode on the A7rii and the LA EA3. Since there is the option to adjust tracking speed, you will have to do some work to get the most out of it, I did it on my Nikon D800E and it ...
I plan to use my A7RV with this lens and adapter for BIF. My usual settings are handheld, RAW, 1/1250 sec, f/7.1, Auto ISO (will post some BIF images when the birds are here and active). For the images I posted the lighting was unusually flat, also I should have used a higher...
Simptome După ce instalațiactualizarea cumulativă 7 pentru Exchange Server 2016, starea sondei adaptor de rețea este întotdeauna nereușită.Atunci când derulează comandainvocare-MonitoringProbe-Identity Network\NetworkAda...