We can guarantee that we will do our best to make your purchase as pleasant as possible.Reminder: The motherboard does not come with a BIOS small battery. Please understand because the transportation is not allowed to carry electricity. View more ...
Onboard Memory YES Memory Size Integrated GPU Model IntegratedView more DescriptionReport Item BIWP4 P5 LA-D562P For Lenovo Ideapad 110-15ISK 110-14ISK Laptop Motherboard 14/15 inch With 4405U i3 i5 i7-6500U CPU 4GB-RAM 100% TestNote before purchase 1. Please make sure your old mother...
接修一台联想笔记本,板号LA-D562P 故障现像接可调电源无待机,测量5V待机正常,3V没有。3V待机芯片...
LENOVO IDEAPAD 110-15ISK 板号:LA-D562P REV:1.0,配置:CPU板载i5 6200U 板载内存4G 楼主上传...
We can guarantee that we will do our best to make your purchase as pleasant as possible.Reminder: The motherboard does not come with a BIOS small battery. Please understand because the transportation is not allowed to carry electricity. View more ...
41 不要一起刷、只刷BIOS就可以 我的版号是4.0。能用吗 来自苹果APP客户端
同4。0的版号,刷了合成不屏蔽的,点不了, 刷了屏蔽的 用原机颗粒内存也点亮了,楼主是不是搞...
55 好好 太感谢了大神 小事,论坛我帮忙搞了好多,玩够了我也就不玩了