LA UTOPIA DE AMERICAPedroHenríquez Ureñaä...
The social reality in Latin America requires cinema to be deeply engaged with the world as it is. I am interested in making films firmly rooted in our contemporary society.True realism has it all: fantasy and reason, suffering and utopia, the happiness and pain of our existence. I want to...
Editoriale –“Utopia” un progetto di tutti Scuola Italiana di Madrid, un bellissimo tributo a Puccini e Victoria de Los Ángeles Mattarella: “Auschwitz l’abisso più profondo dell’uomo” Meloni: “80 anni dall’abominio nazista con complicità fascista” Istat: nel Nord-Ovest cresc...
An utopia originally emanating from forgery in the chancellery of Frederick Barbarossa, it was nevertheless the starting-point of mythical ideas known by everybody, from which developed widespread acceptance of this imaginary state which Europeans continued to search for until the eve of the discovery...
Covid 19: pubblicato in America lo Studio del Dott. Spagnolo,inviato l'1 aprile alJournal of Cardiology Research Reviews & Reports Covid-19 as a Cause of Pneumonia and Diffuse Peripheral Pulmonary Embolism. Early Anticoagulant Treatment to Prevent Thrombi Formation ...
Montaigne, Michel de - ESSAYS Montgomery, Lucy Maud - ANNE OF GREEN GABLES More, Thomas - UTOPIA Nesbit, E. - FIVE CHILDREN AND IT Nesbit, E. - THE PHOENIX AND THE CARPET Nesbit, E. - THE RAILWAY CHILDREN Nesbit, E. - THE STORY OF THE AMULET Newton, Isaac - OPTICKS Nietsche, Fri...
s seat to continue at the helm of the nation and reinforce the repression. We also understand that Putin is only interested in us because we are 90 miles from the United States, his archenemy, and located in Latin America, a region in which he wants to have a significant area of ...
Follari, Roberto, Reflexiones sobre posmodernidad, multiculturalismo y movi- mientos sociales en la Latinoamerica actual Utopia y Praxis Latinoame- ricana, vol. 15, num. 49, abril-junio, Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela, 2010....
GESCHICHTE, GEDÄCHTNIS, ZEIT 42 Giambattista Vico, Principi di una scienza nuova | 139 Claus Leggewie 43 Thomas Morus, Utopia | 142 Jens Kroh 44 Friedrich Nietzsche, Vom Nutzen und Nachtheil der Historie für das Leben | 144 Armin Flender 45 Jacob Burckhardt, Weltgeschichtliche Betrachtung...