La Trobe University - Units is a student accommodation in Bendigo, ideally located at Flora Hill Victoria 3550 Australia. Close to La Trobe University Bend
在2019年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名(THE) 中乐卓博大学成为全世界排名前1.1%的知名大学*。 乐卓博校区:除了主校区墨尔本还有位于悉尼市中心的新校区,和维州的本迪戈校区(Bendigo Campus)、奥尔伯里-沃东加校区(Albury-Wodonga Campus)、谢珀顿校区(Shepparton Campus)、米尔迪拉校区(Mildura Campus) 二、乐卓博大学专业排...
The main campus is located in the Melbourne suburb of Bundoora, occupying over 600 acres. There are two other major campuses in Bendigo and Albury-Wondonga and two smaller regional campuses located in Mildura and Shepparton and a final city campus in Melbourne's CBD. ...
It was established in 1964 as Victoria's third university by an Act of Parliament[3]. The main campus of La Trobe is located in the Melbourne suburb of Bundoora; two other major campuses are located in the Victorian city of Bendigo and the NSW-Victorian border centre of Albury-Wodonga. ...
Bendigo 校区坐落在维多利亚州,由三个部分组成:Flora Hill,Clinical Teaching Building (Bendigo Health Precinct),以及 La Trobe Art Institute。目前在校就读的学生中,有超过55%的学生是来自Bendigo以外的地方。并且有70%的学生在毕业后,选择继续留在Bendigo当地工作。
Gabay (School of Arts and Education, La Trobe University, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia) is an historical survey tracing the influences of philosopher, theologian, and iconoclast Emanuel Swedenborg, and Franz Anton Mesmer with his "Animal Magnetism" hypnosis, upon European and American culture. The ...
本迪戈(Bendigo)校区位于美丽的历史名城本迪戈,距离墨尔本仅有90分钟的车程;而奥伯里/沃东加(Albury-Wodonga)校区则是澳大利亚重要的地区中心,距离墨尔本约有3小时的车程。气候: 墨尔本的气候属于亚热带与温带交叉型气候, 墨尔本的旧金矿最热月通常最高平均气温25℃,最低平均气温14℃,最冷月在3℃到15℃之间,终年多...
Latrobe大学,即乐卓博大学(La Trobe University),是澳大利亚一所备受尊敬的公立综合研究型大学。 一、基本信息 创办时间:1967年(也有资料显示为1964年,但多数权威来源指向1967年) 学校类型:公立大学 学校地址:主校区位于澳大利亚墨尔本市班杜拉区(Bundoora),另有悉尼、本迪戈(Bendigo)、奥尔伯里-沃东加(Albury-Wodonga)、...