Define La Tour Eiffel. La Tour Eiffel synonyms, La Tour Eiffel pronunciation, La Tour Eiffel translation, English dictionary definition of La Tour Eiffel. n a tower in Paris: designed by A. G. Eiffel; erected for the 1889 Paris Exposition. Height: 300 m La Tour EiffelL'Arc de Triomphe Toulouse : Toulouse est une commune du Sud-Ouest de la France. Toulouse est surnommée la « ville rose » en raison de la couleur du matériau de construction traditionnel local, la brique de terre cuite. Toulouse ...
La Tour Eiffel La Tour Georges de La Tour, Georges de La Tour, Georges de La Tour, Maurice Quentin de La Trappe La Trappe La Tremoille, Georges de La Trémoille, Georges de La Tremoille, Louis de La Trémoille, Louis de La Trobe University La Trobe University College of Northern Victoria...
du coup moins de risques qu’une tante éloignée t’offre l’éternel packdéo-shampoing-douche-parfum Scorpioou un assortiment de chocolats immondes avec une tour Eiffel dorée dessus.
Wikipedia La Tour (lə to͝or′, lä to͞or′),Georges de1593-1652. French painter of religious subjects and genre scenes. Many of his works, includingThe Newborn(c. 1630), are dramatically lit nocturnal scenes. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition....
La Trappe Wikipedia (Frenchla trap) n (Roman Catholic Church) a monastery in NW France, in the village of Soligny-la-Trappe northeast of Alençon: founded in about 1140, site of the Trappist reform of Cistercian order in 1664 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Editi...
Define La Tene. La Tene synonyms, La Tene pronunciation, La Tene translation, English dictionary definition of La Tene. adj. Of or relating to a late Iron Age Celtic civilization dating from the fifth to the first century bc, influenced by contact with M