(Brian van der Brug/Los Angeles Times) California’s fishing industry depends on fall-run Chinook, whichmigrate upstreamas adults from July through December. Some fish return to the hatcheries where they were released, while others spawn along tributaries of the Sacramento, San Joaquin and Klamath...
About 5 million people were one step away from famine, according to a December assessment by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, considered the global authority on determining the severity of hunger crises. Overall, 17.7 million people were facing...
Michelson said that he believed Turbo just wanted to play, but that Blue bit the dog because he had been attacked several times by other male dogs. “Blue misread the dog’s intent and reacted to protect himself. I was very upset that it happened,” he emailed. “I will testify under ...
In the spirit of helping Musk realize his comedic aspirations, The Times assembled a crack team of stand-ups, comedy writers and all-around funny tweeters. We asked these experts, whose credits include “Last Week Tonight,”“Bob’s Burgers” and “Community,” to review Musk’s humor outp...