L’expertise d’un jury composé de professionnels du e-commerce permet de départager les 15 finalistes des Prix RSE, Innovation et Espoir. Les finalistes du prix du Jury Prix Innovation : alrj, Decathlon France, leboncoin, TERACT, Zalando Prix RSE : Groupe Damartex, Manutan, Picnic Tech...
distributions import choice, uniform def data(): """ Data providing function: This function is separated from create_model() so that hyperopt won't reload data for each evaluation run. """ (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data() x_train = x_train.reshape(60000...
Wael Alqarawi, MD (University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Canada), commented that there is the potential to overestimate the prevalence of LA thrombus in this setting when examining studies that involve patients selected for TEE use rather than all-comers, as was done in this meta-analysis. Tha...
The marine-derived filamentous fungus Asteromyces cruciatus 763, obtained off the coast of La Jolla, San Diego, USA, yielded the new pentapeptide lajollamide A (1), along with the known compounds regiolone (2), hyalodendrin (3), gliovictin (4), 1N-norgli
For the treatment of long-range coulomb forces beyond an 8 Å cutoff, the MD simulation used periodic boundary conditions and the particle-mesh Ewald method. NaCl was used at a concentration of 0.9%, and the density of HOH was 0.997 g/mL in the MD cell. No restraints were applied ...
.github Update pull_request_template.md Jul 29, 2024 app Auto commit for release 'develop' on 2024-07-15 Jul 15, 2024 bootstrap Reformat code. Mar 10, 2024 config Auto commit for release 'v6.1.19' on 2024-07-20 Jul 20, 2024 database Add currency because why not. Jun 15, 2024 pa...
3. The major risk factor for infection is an immunocompromised state, particularly defects in cell-mediated immunity. As such, patients with AIDS or lymphoma, those receiving allogeneic organ transplants, and those taking immunosuppressive drugs including high-dose steroids either are more susceptible ...
Propranolol may also be used for other conditions as determined by your healthcare provider. How does propranolol work (mechanism of action)? Propranolol blocks beta receptors in your heart. These receptors normally bind to hormones called catecholamines. When catecholamines bind to these receptors, it...
I asked for hot pepper. It was never brought. Fortunately, the spicy sauce did not require any more pepper. When the cake was brought out and served, coffee or after dinner drinks were never offered. While the food was very good, the service was resentful. I left not as happy as I ...
We introduce JAX MD, a software package for performing differentiable physics simulations with a focus on molecular dynamics. JAX MD includes a number of physics simulation environments, as well as interaction potentials and neural networks that can be integrated into these environments without writing ...