Finot PA, Mauron J (1969) Le blockage de la lysine par la reaction de Maillard: Synthese de N-(desoxy-1-D-fructosyl-1)- et N-(desoxy-1-D-lactulosyl-1)-L-lysine. Helv Chim Acta 52: 1488–1495Finot, et al., " Le blocage de la lysine par la réaction de Maillard I. ...
The link of supernovae with cosmology began with their first appearance as a special class of astronomical transients. The historical description of the two galactic novae of 1572 and 1604 by Tycho Brahe and Kepler, respectively, showed that these events had to be located beyond the Moon distanc...
In the process of casein producing from the raw material "Qula",adding alkali,heating,and the impurity of the material will hasten Maillard reaction,and make color become yellow or brown,which will lower the quality of casein.L_(25)(5~6) orthogonal experiment were used in the study,with ...
La glucosilación no enzimática o reacción de Maillard y recientemente llamada glica- ción, modifica las propiedades fisicoquímicas de las proteínas y consecuentemente su actividad biológica. Se debe a la reacción entre el grupo carbonilo de azúcares reductores como la glucosa, fructos...
Determinations cinetiques par microcalorimetrie differentielle en programmation de temperature. II. Influence de la variation de la sensibilite du calorimetre avec la temperature sur les valeurs trouvees pour les constantes de vitesse et les enthalpies de reaction...
Because the experts agree: The best baguettes are not white. The best baguette – the aforementionedtradition– is baked long enough to achieve the Maillard effect, a chemical reaction between sugars and proteins which produces a caramelized brown crust that croaks and crackles when squeezed (the b...
Maillard reactionZn availabilityCaco-2 cellsCaseínaDigestión in vitroReacción de MaillardDisponibilidad de ZnCélulas Caco-2The effect of the heat treatment of casein in presence of reducing sugars on some aspects of Zn availability was investigated. Samples were prepared by mixing casein with ...
The reaction of a diisocyanate and an asymmetric aliphatic-aromatic diacid containing a preformed imide group was studied in order to obtain polyamide-imides. It is shown in this paper that combined 1 H and 13 C NMR spectrometry will per... G Woker,I Antener - 《Macromolecular Chemistry & ...
Finot PA, Mauron J: Le blocage de la lysine par la reaction de Maillard. I. Synthese de N-(desoxy-1-D-fructosyl-1)- et N-(desoxy-1-D-lactulosyl-1)-L- lysine. Helv Chim Acta 52:1488 -1495, 1969Finot, P. A. and Mauron, J. (1969) Le blocage de la lysine par la ...
Composition inhibant la production de produits terminaux de glycosylation avancee comprenant un inhibiteur de la reaction de maillard et la vitamine b¿6?doi:doi:WO1998043649 A3PubMed comprises more than 23 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online...