The strengths of this study include that this detailed chart review of all cases of maternal and neonatal syphilis was recorded and analyzed entirely from a clinical perspective without the use of reportable public health data that may not collect this level of clinical detail. Al...
The test is most often done to assess HIV infection status but may also be useful in the diagnosis and monitoring of other diseases or after organ transplantation. Some examples of conditions in which this assay may be useful include other viral and bacterial infections, severe combined immunodefic...
Even though the test is considered non-specific, the ESR test is considered helpful in diagnosing two specific inflammatory diseases: temporal arteritis (TA) and polymyalgia rheumatica. A high ESR is one of the main test results used to confirm these diagnoses. It is also used to monitor diseas...
Anthrax has been nationally reportable in Vietnam since 2015 and the burden of disease is primarily in the Northern Mountainous and Northern Midland regions of the country (see Walker et al. (2022) for regions of Vietnam). Within these regions, the highest human anthrax incidence was reported ...
Giardia appeared on the list of reportable diseases in only eight states before 1980; now 38 states including California require that it be reported to public health officials. “People have wondered if giardia is more common these days than it used to be. I don’t think there is any way ...
In the US, there are many public health issues that need to be focused on. For example, there’s been a record resurgence in preventable infectious diseases due to the anti-vaccination movement. There are also people suffering from Hepatitis C related cirrhosis who aren’t aware that Hepatitis...
Brucellosis is a mandatory reportable disease, and sentinel laboratories are required to send isolates that are suspicious for Brucella to their local public health departments instead of trying to pursue identification themselves. What about MALDI-TOF, you may be thinking? Glad you asked! There ...
In pathology we’re the first to implement new, highly advanced tests and corroborate with other specialties about what the new changes mean for patient care and management of diseases (i.e. 5thgeneration high-sensitivity troponins and evolving to a new standard of care for acute coronary ...