el Jardín Botánico de Madrid una sesión del Foro Permanente de la Sostenibilidad. Este Foro es un proyecto de la Oficina Económica del Presidente del Gobierno, del CSIC y tiene patrocinio del Observatorio de la Sostenibilidad en España. La sesión del 23 tenía por título? Energía de ...
Furthermore, the amethocaine formulation demonstrated both increased rapidity of action and increased duration of effect, as determined by a two-tailed unpaired t test, in comparison with EMLA when application times of both 30 and 60 min were used for each preparation. The results of this ...
Seguimiento de 1991 a 2004 de la mortalidad y los factores de riesgo emergentes en una cohorte de poblacion general espanola. Estudio DRECE III (Dieta y Riesgo de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares en Espana). Rev Esp Salud Publica. 2008; 82:415-423....
It is also examined how the dominant discourse on poverty, which blames and demonizes the poor, contributes to legitimize, consolidate and reproduce social distances, thus hiding the political and economic nature of inequality, in a context were the latter is basically tolerated....
Pulmonary Valve StenosisHeart Septal Defects, VentricularOxygenOximetryPubMed Central Canada (PMC Canada) provides free access to a stable and permanent online digital archive of full-text, peer-reviewed health and life sciences research publications. It builds on PubMed Central (PMC), the U.S. ...
Briceno D, Correa A, Valencia C y cols. Actualizacion de la resistencia a antimicrobianos de bacilos gram negativos aislados en hospitales de III nivel de Colombia: anos 2006, 2007 y 2008. Biomedica 2010; 30: 371- 381.Briceno DF, Correa A, Valencia C, Torres JA, Pacheco R, Monte...
A representative sample of 62 students and 125 teachers was interviewed. The results reveal the existence of internal and external factors that fall into the decrease of the student register specializing in Computer Science, which are susceptible of intervention by the action of that communityactor ...
Objective:To observe the clinical curative effect of minimally invasive percutaneous compression plate(MIPCCP)on the intertrochanteric fracture.Methods:Forty-eight patients with intertrochanteric fracture were randomly divided into 2 groups,24 cases in each group.Patients were administra...
The main purpose has been to obtain un intercontinental vision fkom the use of scient$c production in the subject of American History through a periodical publication which is rankedjirst among citations and the impact of its works. Firstly, citing works are studied: the numbers of published ...
doi:10.4067/S0717-71782001000100003direct energy conversionfuel cellscathodescatalystsgoldoxygenperformanceporositytefloncryogenic fluidsContents include the following articles: (1)Lara OteroKinderrztliche Praxis