The discovery of the oriental poetry, specially Japanese and Chinese, had a deep impact in the poetic writing and personal evolution of the mexican poet Octavio Paz. The initial approach to the taoist aesthetic and philosophical universe was made trough the synthetic, sensorial and deeply suggestive...
tica salarialsalario mínimonegociación colectivaflexibilidad laboralprestaciones por desempleoRepúObjectiveThis study was aimed at determining dental fluorosis prevalence and severity amongst 6-13-year-old students residing in Medellin, Colombia. Methods A descriptive study was carried out on 1,330 ...
doi:10.1525/aa.1956.58.3.02a00290Carrasco, PedroBlackwell Publishing LtdAmerican Anthropologist
DemocracyCapitalismLiberalismPolitical science PhilosophyThis article has no associated abstract. ( fix it )Primitivo CarbajoGovernment & Democracy