Infrastructure autoroutièreLa integración de la direcciónde recursoshumanosen elproceso de formulación de laestrategiacomodeterminantede los resultados The main task of this paper is to investigate how Human Resource Strategy affectsto business returns in the financial sector, specifically in Credit ...
Les pièges de la chirurgie en diagnostic et thérapeutique. Erreurs ou Fautes ou Faits présumés tels. Conditions et Limites de la Responsabilité. By Professor E. Forgue and Professor Aimes. 9 1/2 × 6 1/2 in. Pp. 510. 1939. Masson et Cie. Broché, Fr. 90; Cartonné toile, Fr...
In this way, the Rennes manuscript has found its place in the medieval artistic production and in a larger debate; the French Légende Dorée has been re-evaluated in the medieval societydoi:10.4049/jimmunol.1102515Hume, AGrimes, SBoyce, JBibliogr...
Rainfall interception from four balsam fir stands and in a clearcut site, was examined in lake Laflamme watershed area, Montmorency Forest, 80 km north of Québec City. The four balsam fir stands were 25 to 65 years old and were defoliated from 20 to 70% by spruce budworm (Choristone...
However, the patients were only able to use this greater ROM to their benefit in one of four ADLs.M.W. MaierF. ZeifangM. CaspersT. DreherM.C. KlotzO. RettigS.I. WolfP. KastenELSEVIERRevue De Chirurgie Orthopédique Et Traumatologique...
Vigna benuensissp. nov. from north Cameroon is described. It is closely related toVigna ambacensisvar.pubigera, but is amphicarpic and shows slight differences in floral morphology and size. Some important morphological features are compared with those of its allied species....
Finally, I describe my participation to the Virgo commissioning, which primarily consists in working on control systems for the system of laser beam injection and their optimization.doi:10.5170/CERN-1960-003...
A discriminant vector is calculated and used to classify single sweeps from different subjects. The selected averaging shows an increasing of the signal to noise ratio for every tested subject specially for the method based on Gaussian curves.Cheston, PaulBibliogr...
Whereas such dynamics allow proving how essential practical and economic circumstances and requirements of first child's care are to make parental responsibility thinkable ex ante, they seem to prevent ...
They also indicate that L2 oral production at the advanced stages remains bound to a way of thinking the world which is the legacy of our L1.Chrostowski, WaldemarParis