La Nina phenomenon拉尼娜现象 La Ninan. 【西】【气】"拉妮娜"现象(指赤道附近东太平洋水温异常下降的现象, 并导致气候异常) nina from carolinaphr. 九个一组,九柱之神 Nina Ricci莲娜丽姿香水(法) la la landn. 梦幻国度或理想世界,世外桃源;也指洛杉矶 ...
La Nina phenomenon 拉尼娜现象汉英翻译 La Nina phenomenon拉尼娜现象; 双语例句 1. And so they tend to get strong and last long during a la Nina situation. 拉尼娜现象使飓风容易增强并持续长久。 —— 给力词典精选 2. It is followed by a cooling period, known as La Nina. ...
More typhoons have been forecast over autumn due to the La Nina phenomenon, which will bring storms on land and sea, the National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center (NMEFC) announced Thursday.
ElNinoandLanina ElNinoandLanina LaNiña(/lɑːˈniːnjə/,isacoupledocean-atmospherephenomenonthatisthecounterpartofElNiñoaspartofthebroaderElNiño–SouthernOscillationclimatepattern.ThenameLaNiñaoriginatesfromSpanish,meaning"thegirl",analogoustoElNiñomeaning"theboy".ElNiñoisthewarmphaseof...
What Is La Nina? Two hands connect the world map Weather patterns are connected worldwide. A large part of that connection is a weather phenomenon calledLa Nina. Here, the surface of the ocean along the tropical Pacific coast of South America cools due totrade windsthat are more forceful th...
Define La Nina. La Nina synonyms, La Nina pronunciation, La Nina translation, English dictionary definition of La Nina. n. A cooling of the ocean surface off the western coast of South America, occurring periodically every 4 to 12 years and affecting Pac
A neutral state is when neither El Nino nor La Nina is present. During this time the sea surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific are close to average. Monitoring El Nino-La Nina Phenomenon Courtesy: NOAA There are several methods used to predict developments in the Pacific Ocean. Complex...
oceanic phenomenon Print Written and fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. They writ...
A La Nina cooling weather phenomenon is likely to kick in at the end of the year, say weather experts, but will do little to dent soaring global and ocean temperatures. La Nina and El Nino are natural changes to temperatures in parts of the Pacific Ocean, a...
What Is La Nina? Spanish for "little girl," La Niña is the name given to the large-scale cooling of sea surface temperatures across the central and equatorialPacific Ocean. It is one part of the larger and naturally occurring ocean-atmosphere phenomenon known as theEl Niño/Southern Oscil...