La Nina phenomenon拉尼娜现象 La Ninan. 【西】【气】"拉妮娜"现象(指赤道附近东太平洋水温异常下降的现象, 并导致气候异常) nina from carolinaphr. 九个一组,九柱之神 Nina Ricci莲娜丽姿香水(法) la la landn. 梦幻国度或理想世界,世外桃源;也指洛杉矶 ...
La Nina is a weather phenomenon. It is created when stronger than normal trade winds push warm water towards the east, changing global precipitation patterns. Is La Nina warm or cold? La Nina cools the area around the tropical Pacific and the countries surrounding it. El Nino warms the same...
El Niño and La Niña are two faces of a large weather phenomenon. Here are a few frequently asked questions that should clarify what exactly these phenomena are and how they can affect the weather. Q. What is El Niño? A. El Niño is a climate phenomenon that involves the periodic...
La Nina phenomenon 拉尼娜现象汉英翻译 La Nina phenomenon拉尼娜现象; 双语例句 1. And so they tend to get strong and last long during a la Nina situation. 拉尼娜现象使飓风容易增强并持续长久。 —— 给力词典精选 2. It is followed by a cooling period, known as La Nina. ...
La Nina phenomenon likely to fade away 'Weak La Nina is likely to bring above normal rainfall in different parts of the country in the coming several months,' read the statement from Pagasa administrator Vicente Malano. Pagasa: Weak La Nina expected to bring a wet Christmas There was a La...
“拉尼娜”La Nina 拉尼娜米韦Laninamivir 西维拉尼娜酒店Seevilla Nina 双语例句 1. El Nino and La Nina phenomena are large - scale abnormal weather conditions. 厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜现象都是指大规模的气候异常状况。 —— 给力词典精选 2. What is El Nino and La Nina phenomenon?
La Niña, cyclic counterpart to El Niño, consisting of a cooling of surface waters of the Pacific Ocean along the western coast of South America. While its local effects on weather and climate are generally the opposite of those associated with El N
(contrary to El Nino). It is a new term used in meteorology and marine circles. Which means little girl, coinciding with the meaning El Nino El Nino instead, also known as the anti El Nino or cold event. La Nina is a phenomenon of extreme cold in the Middle East pacific. The wind ...
The El Niño/La Niña Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has a major influence on climate patterns in various parts of the world. In addition to changes in the atmosphere, this naturally occurring phenomenon is caused by shifting ocean temperatures in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific. ...
But even with a possible cooling effect from La Nina, 2024 is still likely to be at least as hot as the record-breaking 2023,if not the hottest ever, scientists expect. The European Union's climate service Copernicus has said it is "pretty certain" that this...