El Nino and La Nina Effect Since 1950, ten out of India’s thirteen droughts have happened during El Nino years, and one during a La Nina year. This is because El Nino usually brings less rain to India. Indian agriculture relies heavily on monsoon rains, so when there is less rain, cr...
Impact of El Nino and La Nino on Indian MonsoonRohit
In order to research the effect of El Nino or La Nina on the typhoon landed in South China,it was selected the statistical data of Typhoon from 1951 to 2016 to study the relationship with El Nino or La Nina event. The results showed that:(1)there were 19 El Nino events and 15 La ...
The twists and turns in the ongoing dialogue between ocean and atmosphere in the Pacific can have a ripple effect on climatic conditions in far flung regions of the globe. This worldwide message is conveyed by shifts in tropical rainfall, which affect wind patterns over much of the globe. Ima...
H., and A. Kulkarni, 1994: Climatic impact of El Nino / La Nina on the Indian monsoon :A new perspective. Weather, 52, 205-209.Kripalani RH, Kulkarni A. 1997. Climatic impact of El Nino/La Nina on the Indian monsoon: a new perspective. Weather 52: 39-46....
La Nina years tend to provide increased Indian summer monsoon (ISM) rainfall. However, observations show 6-8% reduction in ISM rainfall during post-1980 La Ninas relative to pre-1980. Using a suite of atmospheric general circulation model experiments, we replicate this observed phenomenon and ...
La Nia years tend to provide increased Indian summer monsoon (ISM) rainfall. However, observations show 6-8% reduction in ISM rainfall during post-1980 La Nias relative to pre-1980. Using a suite of atmospheric general circulation model experiments, we replicate this observed phenomenon and ...
LA NinaGENERAL circulation modelWALKER circulationATMOSPHERIC circulationMONSOONSGROUNDWATER rechargeMADDEN-Julian oscillationLa Nia years tend to provide increased Indian summer monsoon (ISM) rainfall. However, observations show 6–8% reduction in ISM rainfall during post‐1980 La Nias relativ...
LA NinaCLIMATIC zonesEL NinoSOUTHERN oscillationRAINFALL anomaliesSUGARCANEMODES of variability (Climatology)Climate modes like ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation) and IOD (Indian Ocean Dipole) produce an impact on the monsoon rainfall over India. Monsoon rainfall is extremely important for the ...
Lodh A, Jha S and Raghava R (2011), "Impact of El Nino and La Nina on soil moisture - precipitation feedback of Indian monsoon over Central India", Int. Arch. Photogrammetry. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XXXVIII-8/W20, 102-108, 2011...