New York, The Museum of Modern Art; Los Angeles County Museum of Art and Paris, Musée d'Orsay, Pioneering Modern Painting: Cézanne and Pissarro, 1865-1885, June 2005-May 2006, p. 175, no. 77 (illustrated in color; titled Orchard, Côte Saint-Denis, at Pontoise). St. Petersburg, F...
City of Murals Gajin Fujita Violate people’s expectations Dechel McKillian Embrace your power, pay it forward Patrick Martinez The streets of LA reveal themselves Genevieve Gaignard Literally in TV, driving through LA Naima Keith This is LA's Museum ...
Explore ancient Egyptian traditions, art from the middle ages, modern architecture and even the study of time. The Getty Museum is one of the more educational centers in Los Angeles when it comes to general human history! Can’t make it to Europe to explore ancient ruins or cathedrals? The ...
LA JOLLA —Noted architect Robert Venturi unveiled plans for an $11-million expansion of the La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art on Wednesday that museum officials say will fill a critical need for space while preserving the neighborhood’s architectural integrity. Venturi, who has been praised and...
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聖塔莫尼卡碼頭 / 太平洋公園 ( Santa Monica Pier / Pacific Park)-比佛利山(Beverly Hills)-羅迪歐大道(Rodeo Drive)-農夫市場(The Original Farmers Market)-洛杉磯郡立美術館 LACMA(Los Angeles County Museum of Art) 一早可以就先出發聖塔莫尼卡,這裡就是陽光沙灘、小型樂園、購物百貨在附近,其實要待一整天...
2. Los Angeles County Museum of Art 自1965年成立以来,洛杉矶县立艺术博物馆 (LACMA) 一直致力于收藏囊括历史、地理等各领域的艺术品,并展现了洛杉矶独特的多元文化。作为美国西部最大的艺术博物馆,LACMA 收藏有亚洲、拉美、欧洲、美国等世界各地的优秀艺术品,每年吸引大量游客前来参观。
Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) The largest art museum in the western United States. Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) One of the most renowned permanent collections of contemporary art in the United States. MOCA has two locations in downtown Los Angeles. ...
While the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) is really worth spending a few days in, an afternoon should give you a pretty good taste of its eclectic display of modern and classical art. The place really goes on for miles and spans over 3 floors. The National History Museum, on ...
GRAMMY Museum是一个音乐爱好者的天堂,展示了许多音乐历史和互动展览。Little Tokyo是洛杉矶的日本社区,提供正宗的日本美食和文化体验。OUE Skyspace LA是一个观景台,可以俯瞰整个洛杉矶市区的壮丽景色。白普理大楼是一座历史悠久的建筑,展示了洛杉矶的建筑风格和历史。唐人街是洛杉矶的中国社区,提供各种中式美食和文化活动...