Lisa Interesting turn on the line cutting…at the Sphinx in Egypt, it was the Germans who were cutting and jostling the rest of us. We were in Hong Kong as kids and I remember everyone wanting to touch our hair, and especially my mom’s hair – she had light blond hair which, as y...
I just got back from spending the Fourth of July with the in-laws. My mom-in-law threw me the loveliest baby shower, and now we have all these baby-related goodies for the new bebe. I also bought the first baby outfit for my child–a fabulous tunic and gold sandals! Yes, it’s ...
Danny Araujo, Chloe Babbes, Jodi Carlisle, Dimitri Christy, Townsend Coleman, Phil Crowley, Tate Downing, Melody Hollis, Patrick Lawrie, Carrie Madsen, Michael Onofri, Nicholas Podany, Catherine Urbanek, Chris Speed, and Maurie Speed in Ah, Wilderness! Dianna Aguilar, Elizabeth Regen, Josh Randa...
Sin embargo, de acuerdo con Tedlock (1991), los k’iche’s de Momostenango, todavía en la actualidad, siguen regulando su ciclo agrícola con base en la observación de los astros, y podríamos mencionar otros ejemplos de la misma práctica documentados etnográfica mente (cf. Milbrath, ...
Trust me- -Rice innuendo alone could drive the common man insane. And Harvard reportedly makes Rice look like a happy sand castle. Oh well--what one doesn't accidentally kill oneself with makes oneself stronger. All I've heard from this band is I Can Feel the Heart Beating as One. ...
Mommersteeg, S. Bergaya, A. Menon, E.A. Fisher, C.M. Rice Analysis of hepatitis C virus particle heterogeneity in immunodeficient human liver chimeric fah-/- mice Cell. Mol. Gastroenterol. Hepatol., 4 (2017), pp. 405-417, 10.1016/j.jcmgh.2017.07.002 View PDFView articleView in ...
twheitshynththeestiycnpthroectiecduprreocuesdeudr,ethuessepde,ctthroescsoppeicctrporsocpoepritcieps,roanpderctiheesm, aicnadl rcehaecmtivicitayl orefatchteivciotymopfotuhnedcoamndp,oiunncrdeaasnidn,gilny,crtheaessintrgulcyt,utrheeosptrtuimctiusered obpyticmomisepdutbaytioconmalpmuteaatniosn....
; 2 2 bhriatrtarineyt._hdaarvreisxo@no@uhtolotmoka.iclo.cmom(H(B.A.D.L.).;Hh.a) (H.A.L.H.) DDeeppaartrmtmeennt toof fEExxeerrccisiseeaannddSSppoorrtstsSSccieiennccee, ,UUnniviveerrssitityyooffNNoorrtthhCCaarroolliinnaa,,CChhaappeellHHiillll,,NNCC...
Tbhetewmeoenlecthuelar hiogrhbeistat lo(cMcuOp)ieadnmaloylseiscuolfar1o′ r(bTiatbale(HS2O)MshOo)wasnda tlhaergloewenesetrguynogcacpupoifed2.7m9oeleVcubleatrwoerebnitatlhe (LhUigMhOes)tioncacugrpeiemd emnotlweciuthlatrhoereblietcatlr(oHnOcoMuOnt) oanf d12thSeEPloswaensdt tuhneofcac...
tAiocntsu.aAllyc,tuthaellym, athgenemtizaagtnioetniziantitohne OinOtPheloOoOpsPislosolipgshtilsysllaigrghetlrythlaarngtehrethoanne dthisepolanyeeddibs-y ptlhaeyIePdlboyopthse. TIPhilsoobpehs.aTvihoirs, bperhesaevniotirn,gpraessiemnitlianrgvaasluime iolfarbovtahluIePoafnbdoOthOIPP amnadgOne...