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品牌/Brand:莫莉莎娜/La Molisana 是否进口/Imported:是/Yes 产地/Origin:意大利/Italy 保质期/Shelf life:3年/3 years 储藏方法/Storage:阴凉干燥处保存/Keep in a dry and cool place 购买数量: 库存量/Stock:2( 起购量 : 2 ) 快递:包邮 产品详情 Detail ...
用PastaLaMolisana的一道特殊的配方来共同庆祝我们的125周年🍝AC米兰精彩评论 相关视频 画质越糊,米兰越强,真香定律?深度解析米兰的三粒进球! 2评论 马特奥·加比亚在对阵恩波利的比赛后🗣 1评论 保罗·丰塞卡的赛后感想🎙 1评论 双“荷”助我们夺得1990年欧洲超级杯冠军!🏆 2评论 塔米谈我们的欧冠征程...
How to cook Orzo pasta: 1. Add a bit of salt into the boiling water 2. Put the pasta into the boiling water, stir few minutes 3. Drain the pasta after 7 minutes into the plate 4. Mix drained pasta with your favouri tesauce 购物须知 欢迎商户联系公司洽谈合作,价格优惠,服务真诚! 欢迎...
How to cook Orzo pasta: 1. Add a bit of salt into the boiling water 2. Put the pasta into the boiling water, stir few minutes 3. Drain the pasta after 7 minutes into the plate 4. Mix drained pasta with your favouri tesauce 购物须知 欢迎商户联系公司洽谈合作,价格优惠,服务真诚! 欢迎...
How to cook Orzo pasta: 1. Add a bit of salt into the boiling water 2. Put the pasta into the boiling water, stir few minutes 3. Drain the pasta after 7 minutes into the plate 4. Mix drained pasta with your favouri tesauce 购物须知 欢迎商户联系公司洽谈合作,价格优惠,服务真诚! 欢迎...