The Concentrate 丝绒般平滑的精华露强化肌肤屏障,有效舒缓、呵护脆弱肌肤 225 美元 添加至购物袋 FLUID FRAMEWORK技术 我们的 Lifting Firming Serum 能够凸显肌肤轮廓,增添丰盈感,塑造更紧致、更有张力的肌肤。 立即探索 畅销产品 选择规格: 1 盎司 The Regenerating Serum 强效精华露可显著消除细纹和皱纹 435 ...
la Mer moisturiser is renowned for delivering soothing moisture, daily protection, and energised natural renewal, while The Concentrate serum helps to protect against environmental irritants like pollution. Shop supercharged eye cream The Eye Concentrate created specifically for the fragile eye area and ...
The Night Recovery Concentrate An extreme barrier wrap that helps speed recovery from visible signs of skin distress and key signs of sensitivities. $650 0.5 oz. 1 oz. 75ml The Lifting Firming Serum Firms, uplifts and visibly rejuvenates the look of skin. ...
03色号很自然的奶油肌,持久度一般,油皮到了晚上还是会有点脱妆。 提升精华(Lifting Contour Serum)⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 最后这个是给妈妈带的,她觉得还蛮好用的,感觉自己还没到用这个的年纪哈哈。总的来说,La Mer的产品对敏感肌还是挺友好的,虽然效果不是一夜之间就能看到的,但至少不会让皮肤变得更...
La Mer The Concentrate Serum & Face Oil 0.50 oz. $225.00 (1,253) GIFT WITH PURCHASE La Mer The Lifting Firming Serum 1 oz. $435.00 (17) GIFT WITH PURCHASE La Mer The Broad Spectrum SPF 50 UV Protecting Fluid 1.7 oz. $125.00 (131) Best Seller GIFT WITH PURCHASE La Mer The...
La Mer浓缩修护精华露:肌肤救星? 🌟 The Concentrate浓缩修护精华露 护肤界的明星产品,La Mer家的这款精华露以其短时间内密集修护和快速舒缓的效果著称。虽然价格不菲,但用量非常省,每次只需珍珠大小就能覆盖全脸和颈部。对于经常出差、熬夜的我来说,这款精华露简直是肌肤的救星。 🌙 熬夜救星 压力和疲惫让皮...
La Mer The Lip Balm $130.00 La Mer THE MOISTURIZING FRESH CREAM 30ML $355.00 La Mer The Genaissance Serum De La Mer The Serum Essence $1,250.00 4 La Mer The Concentrate 30ml $745.00 5 La Mer The Powder Brush $165.00 La Mer The Soft Fluid Long Wear Foundation 30ml $235.00 La...
LA MER The Concentrate serum Price:$215.00BESTSELLER LA MER The Essence foaming cleanser 30ml Price:$33.50 LA MER The lifting and firming mask 50ml Price:$275.00 LA MER Crème de la Mer moisturising cream 100ml Price:$520.00BESTSELLER LA MER The Luminous Lifting Cushion Foundation SPF 20 12g ...
就是Regenerating Serum。个人感觉The Concentrate已经超出了护肤品的范畴。现在我一般用它来局部除痘印和痘疤(效果还是不错的),如果有地方痘痘有冒出来的趋势,也会用它来祛痘,基本涂上之后第二天早上就下去了。前几天看La Mer的化妆师介绍,也可以用它来做打底,可以使粉底更服帖...(这打底也太贵了吧...)...
The Concentrate Add to bag 92% OF WOMEN SAID THEIR SKIN FELT LESS SENSITIVE.* *Consumer testing on 107 women after using product for 4 weeks. A POTENTBARRIER SERUMTO STRENGTHEN,STABILIZE ANDVISIBLY SOOTHEDR. JAIME EMMETSBERGER ON THE CONCENTRATE "We see that Miracle Broth enhances barrier ...