This thesis aims at determining the method David Ricardo (1772-1823) used to establish his principles and to draw conclusions about the real world. First, it shows the influence of the works of Dugald Stewart (1753-1828) and of two of his students, James Mill (1773-1836) and Francis ...
Université Libre de Bruxelles Faculté des Sciences Service de Chimie Organique (Dir.: Prof. R.H. Martin) † Pour I, Voir G. Coppens et J. Nasielski, Bull. Soc. Chim. belges, 70 136 (1961). Publication History Issue published online: 1 SEP 2010 Article first published online: 1 SEP...
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The newly identified APOA5 is a crucial determinant of triglyceride levels and therefore the study of the factors regulating its gene expression is of significant importance. The first part of our studies aims at determining the rôle of APOA5 in i...
Polyoxirannes et polythiirannes comportant un centre chiral dans la chaine latérale, 1. Synthèse et pureté optique de diastéréoisomères des époxy-1,2 méthyl-3 pentane et épithio-1,2 méthyl-3 pentanePolyoxirannes et polythiirannes comportant un centre chiral dans la chaine latérale...
Im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit beschreiben wir den hiermit verbundenen Rechenprogramm (POLYCOD).André, J. MUniversité Catholique De Louvain Laboratoire de Chimie Quantique (Dir.: G. Leroy) Kapeldreef Egenhoven‐Heverlee (BelgiumDelhalle, J...
Ultraviolet studies give evidence for an intermediate complex different from the one demonstrated in the "classical" Staudinger's reaction with phosphorus compounds.Pierre MaroniYves MadauleTula SeminarioJean-Gérard Wolfcanadian journal of chemistry
Game-based learning is one efficient pedagogical concept that uses game principles to incite learners to engage into learning activities. Learning Games (LG) are commonly known as digital environments. They have undeniable assets but also some limits, such as the artificiality of the learning ...
Two hundred and sixteen (216) patients (mean age 65卤13 years, 164 (76 %) were males and, 41 (19 %) were diabetics) had a PCI for stable angina or silent ischemia (47 %), unstable angina or acute coronary syndrome (ACS) ST (26 %), ACS ST+48 hours1 month (3 %). Two ...
Legislation as TopicHealth Care ReformChinaRare diseases and legislation in China. By - Jing-Bo Wang, Jeff J Guo, Li Yang, Yan-De Zhang, Zhao-Qi Sun, Yan-Jun Zhangdoi:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60240-1Emmanuel BEAUDOINGDaniel GAUTHERET...