In three cases of histologically proved Chester-Erdheim disease there was a large anterior epidural lesion from C-3 to L-2 in one patient; dural masses and orbital infiltration in a second patient; and dural, choroid plexus, retroorbital, and hypophyseal lesions in a third patient. Diabetes ...
Gibbon's first publication, the Essai sur l'étude de la littérature, betrayed a certain “quality of foreignness,” as Gibbon noted himself. The Essai was written in the context of the controversy, in France, between philosophes and erudits, a controversy Gibbon was familiar with because of...
doi:10.3109/13668250.2010.544034Henri PeyreOrbis Litterarum
lagoonmodelnadoroualidiaThe objective of this work is to develop an aquatic ecosystem and apply it on Moroccan lagoon systems. This model will keep us abreast of the yearly development of the main parameters that characterize these ecosystems while integrating all the data that have so far been ...
When approached in this way literature and the teaching of literature assume a new meaning, interest, and valuedoi:10.1111/j.1540-4781.1936.tb02681.xFrançonMarcelModern Language Journal