liverstressThe fresh water fish, Clarias batrachus (Linn.) and Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch.) were subjected to copper sulphate stress of 0.600, 0.750, 0.880, 1.000 g/l and 0.500, 0.800, 1.100, 1.400 g/l, respectively and their effects were seen on liver, kidney and gills of both the...
ulturel de Shanghai Préserver la diversité du patrimoine culturel de ShanghaiPréserver la diversité du patrimoine culturel de Shanghaidoi:10.1111/j.1755-5825.2008.00012.xChen XiejunMuseum International
C’est ce souvenir qui m’a inspiré l’idée de cette chronique surles positions du vin,pour le boire bien sûr. À cette référence religieuse, certains d’entre vous eussent sans doute préféré que je m’appuiesur les positions du Kâma-Sûtraavec bien sûr photos en illustrat...
De quoi poser un problème majeur pour les citadines. Car sur ces petits véhicules où le diesel ne représente que 20% des immatriculations, l'ajout obligatoire d'un filtre à particules et d'un système déNOx les rend économiquement non rentables.Nicolas Le FrançoisL'Auto - journal...
doi:10.1016/S0248-8663(99)80485-8C. HulinÉ. HachullaU. Michon-PasturelP. Y. HatronB. DevulderLa Revue De Médecine Interne
doi:10.1159/000308201Brousse, L.TGynecologic & Obstetric Investigation
schreibersi and Myotis daubentoni; P. duboisi from Miniopterus schreibersi; P. lepidotu...doi:10.1016/j.jeur.2008.03.527V. BelpommeI. MazariegosI. VassorD. AbarrateguiP. PesF. ClaudelA. Ricard-HibonJ. MantzJournal Européen Des Urgences...
Purpose We present hereby some results indicating that there is a significant decrease in the release of NO by the retina immediately after branch-venous occlusion (BVO).Methods Using an NO microprobe we measured (NO) in the preretinal vitreous of miniature pigs before and two hours aRer bvo....
The influence of F− ions on the anodic dissolution of copper in aqueous acidic solutions (pH 1.6–6), mainly at pH 5 with 0.1 M KF, has been studied. The nature of the changes that occur on the electrode during the oxidation has been examined by cyclic voltamperometry as well ...
A relationship can be proposed between the inner structure of the information system and the many ways the accounting processes are changing. Accordingly, it opens the possibility to an understanding of the accounting change in its diversitySangkyu LimBibliogr...