La La Land 2,365 reviews Hide spoilersReview RatingsShow all Sort byFeatured 9/10 Shocked me how good it was I remember when I saw the trailers for this movie, I thought it would be a sad but sweet love story and nothing more. And while it is that it brings so much more flare and...
英文名为《La la land》有双重含义,它是现实中洛杉矶的别称,而以“造梦工厂”著称的好莱坞就坐落与此,这就有一些梦幻的含义了。更重要的是,“La la land”在英语俚语还有“虚幻的地方”的意思。本片的发生地“La la land”,本就是一片梦想与现实交织的地方。而本片最梦幻的地方,肯定就是那些歌舞片段了。本...
La la land La la land ,爱乐之城。 影片一开始,高速公路上的大堵车,然后是宝莱坞式的一言不合就跳舞的即视感,让我有点怀疑是不是打开方式不正确,还是这是一部假爱乐之城。毕竟这部电影在国内还没有公映。 要有耐心慢慢看下去,然后你会被电影的色彩惊艳到。丙烯油彩画般流质的夜色,有一刹那的错觉,这不是...
La La Land 看完这部电影,我是有点失望的。觉得她剧情俗套,并没有什么创新。 但这毕竟是部歌舞片,主要是通过音乐来表达情感,所以,我觉得剧情反而不是最主要的了?。里面的歌词,配乐大部分都挺应景的,至少有些部分我是感动到了(尽管这剧情烂透大街)。 还有,结尾那部分我觉得超级棒。她突破了传统歌舞片的大美满...
Damien Chazelle’s “La La Land,” which opened the Venice Film Festival on a voluptuous high note of retro glamour and style, is the most audacious big-screen musical in a long time, and — irony of ironies — that’s because it’s the most traditional. In his splashy, impassioned...
Watchlist Where to Watch Aspiring actress serves lattes to movie stars in between auditions and jazz musician Sebastian scrapes by playing cocktail-party gigs in dingy bars. But as success mounts, they are faced with decisions that fray the fragile fabric of their love affair, and the dreams the...
La La Land 提示:这篇影评可能有剧透 赶在电影下线之前,趁着闺女不在家之际,终于把爱乐之城看了。在四线城市,这样的片子,看的人是不多的,一个小厅稀稀拉拉坐了十几个人,有两个看了半个小时就离场,还有几个一直在玩手机,甚至在看别的视频。对于一部奥斯卡斩获六项大奖的片子来说,是不是有些悲哀了。中肯...
FULL REVIEW 100 Time Aug 31, 2016 La La Land is both a love letter to a confounding and magical city and an ode to the idea of the might-have-been romance, in all its piercing sweetness. It’s a movie with the potential to make lovers of us all. All we have to do is fall int...
06:32 La La Land Movie Review Seasun_foruni 121 0 00:28 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘄𝗲 𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 ꒦ິ^꒦ິ ReginaGosling 1.0万 6 03:01 【钢琴】《City of Stars》From “La La Land”(爱乐之城) 修毛不是修猫 1221 2 ...
La La Landis an odd movie. It is a homage to old-fashioned musicals, but there isn’t as much singing and dancing in it as you may expect. After a massive opening number, there are a surprising amount of regular dramatic scenes, even if a lot of them revolve around music in one way...